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Everything posted by KiwiArcader

  1. Found the book I had and it is called "Game Over - Nintendo' Battle to Dominate Video Games". It came free with an issue of Arcade magazine.
  2. Geez squarepusher .... how does nirv phoning people to have a go at them, moaning ad infinitum that people should skype him, abusing people on the forums, sending PM's trying to get people to agree with him and putting down E-Day over his preference on how he want to run HIS site etc constitute anything other than diversive behaviour and arrogance towards people who have a difference of opinion? As bad as all that is, what is sadder is that you somehow think that his behaviour is acceptable. Good grief .... I thought that with even a modicum of common sense you would see that his behaviour has been at best moronic and worse, bordering on stalkerish and wouldn't be tolerated by almost any forum? If you don't then there is no hope for you and I wish you both well in your endevours. But I will be glad you both aren't here to be honest. This forum was created for people to share old gaming mags that they own for other members to enjoy. I don't think it was ever created to be the ultimate source of mags as the stipulations around only using personal scans etc meant that we would never be in a position to offer all mags anyway. But it was never meant to be that otherwise that stipulation wouldn't have been there in the first place and we'd just be downloading everything on torrents and reuploading them. That isn't a bad thing though when you look at the quality, or lack thereof, in most files seen on torrents. You both knew the rules when you signed up yet instead of working within those rules nirv decided that his way was the only way. "My way or the Highway". Well ... he got the highway. SO you want to fall on his sword too? Good luck with releasing your Edge mags wherever you guys do end up at. I am sure that they will be great quality etc just as nirv's Next Gen's have been. Quality of product has never been the issue with you guys after all.
  3. I have a paperback that was bundled with a CVG issue in 1980's about the rise of Nintendo from memory. Full paperback ... not cut down at all .... and not a bad read. Will try and find it again methinks.
  4. I think the main point I was trying to make is that if the companies are publically stating that their product pricing has a piracy level component built into it and yet they are selling the product on an uncracked console at the same price as every other consoles pricing point then their argument about reducing prices if software was piracy proofed is rendered invalid and they simply shouldn't be making claims to that effect. Simple as that. It becomes pure economics as you say. I don't disagree with you at all. I think the remarkable thing in all this is that the marketing side of this has simply not been taken advantage of. A publisher could release a new game at a cheaper price on the PS3 and advertise that the better pricing is due to no piracy and in all probability it will sell more copies due to better pricing and it may also possibly turn prospective purchasers towards the system. More users = more games sold because of the better pricing ... round and round we go. There will always be people that don't have the money to buy new games who will look at a crackable system with a modchip and the economics of not buying games will sway them to that path. Live by the sword ...die by the sword if the authorities come calling. Then there will be others like me who prefer to buy older consoles as they are cheap and the games even cheaper. And way better in a lot of cases anyway.
  5. Well ... hmmm ... how many times have we seen the Gaming publishers stating that the reason the prices of software is high is due directly to piracy? And that if piracy weren't an issue that prices would be lower? Lots of times. Yet here we have a console that hasn't been cracked and the game pricing for that is identical to another console that has been cracked and is therefore a far higher risk to their bottom line. They are not living by that mantra for sure therefore the only reasonable assumption that can be made out of this is simply that they want to charge as much as they believe they can get away with. Again, I don't care about it personally .... I refuse to buy an X-Box or PS3 as there simply isn't a single thing I can think of that would persuade me to fork out the insane software prices for one of those things at the current time. Maybe when GT5 hits the stores I might think about the PS3 ... then again I might not. Your comment re Televisions is an apt one. When Samsung introduced the LED TV they ran $6500 for a 42". That same TV is now $1900 due to comeptition as more manufacturers have released product into the market. Unfortunately, the gaming industry doesn't hold to similar principles because essentially the publishers are creating the same content for all three consoles, therefore they think they can charge the same prices across the board. What really needs to happen is for people to vote with their wallets and simply not buy games until they reach a reasonable level. The problem is the chicken eggs scenario that comes with that where if insufficeint sales are made they stop producing. And the fact that Mum cops it in the ear from the kids because they always want something now ... not later.
  6. KiwiArcader

    Zzap64 Issue 048

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  7. KiwiArcader

    Zzap64 Issue 044

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  8. KiwiArcader

    Zzap64 Issue 043

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  9. KiwiArcader

    Zzap64 Issue 042

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  10. KiwiArcader

    Zzap64 Issue 041

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  11. KiwiArcader

    Zzap64 Issue 036

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  12. KiwiArcader

    Zzap64 Issue 034

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  13. KiwiArcader

    Zzap64 Issue 033

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  14. KiwiArcader

    Zzap64 Issue 021

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  15. KiwiArcader

    Zzap64 Issue 013

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  16. KiwiArcader

    Zzap64 Issue 007

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  17. KiwiArcader

    Zzap64 Issue 004

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  18. KiwiArcader

    Zzap64 Issue 003

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  19. Yep ... RM has a lifetime account hosting the CBR's and I have a 2 year account hosting the PDF's. There's so much stuff in the accounts that it would be a nightmare if both types were hosted in one account. I have a premium RS account and even though I pay good money for it they still remove your hosted content if not downloaded within a relatively small timeframe. What a joke!!!
  20. KiwiArcader

    Edge 012 (September 1994)

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  21. The old adage that if no piracy occurred then the prices should come down is one lost on the Gaming manufacturers unfortunately. Look at the PS3 ... it has yet to be cracked [ to the point where mere mortals can use it anyway] yet the prices for PS3 software remain incredibly high. And back in the day when the NES/SNES/N64 were around Nintendo had absolute control over the manufacture of carts for games and with that control they had no necessity to lower the costs to publishers. When you have these types of situation and the public feel they are being ripped off, especially over a long period of a consoles life, you open the door to the cracker/hacker community and they end up with a clientele of people prepared to obtain software at a more economic level. This isn't to say I support this issue one way or the other ...each to their own ... but the manufacturers have to accept some culpability in the matter. I can guarantee that if you could get Mario Galaxy or Mario Kart Wii for $15 some 6 months after initial release you'd find 'most' people happy to wait and shell out for original software. But titles over a year old are still having an asking price of $100+ which is just ridiculous and fuels the ongoing war between manufacturers and the pirates. In the case of Sony and the PS3 there simply isn't an excuse for their pricing structure given the lack of piracy on the system. It essentially comes down to greed on their part.
  22. KiwiArcader

    Edge 027 (December 1995)

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