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Everything posted by KiwiArcader

  1. Geez .... I didn't think this thread would come to life again over two months later. Personally I think this should have been posted under the title "What should Phillyman scan next?" or something like that as "Which magazine should WE scan more of" implies everyone scanning mags is going to process whatever is voted the most popular. So I find it tends to make me want to stop scanning when all the consolers are clamoring for EGM or Nintendo Power etc and no-one seems to care that there was a gaming world before the NES/SMS, one where some of the best games ever created appeared on the C-64, Atari's, Amiga's etc. I don't normally bother about this type of thing but as I have had a couple of scanners of old magazines recently say this site is too game console oriented and that they dont want their scans made available here because of it these types of all-encompassing posts don't help further the cause that much..... I thought that being to preserve ALL retro gaming mags ... Maybe I am wrong?
  2. Amiga Format Issue 102 ..... pages scanned to date = 116/116 ...... See here for a view of what the issue looks like/contents etc. Expect it today/tomorrow **UPDATE** ... Uploaded to the site & rapidshare Amiga Format Issue 90 .... pages scanned to date = 55/116
  3. is gutted his IBM tablet mainboard died

  4. Just an update to advise that I have now made Rapidshare links available for PDF versions of almost all Analog Computing magazines submitted to this site to date. Last few are in the process of being uploaded at the present time.. ** UPDATE ** All magazines now have Rapidshare links. Now I will compile and upload the missing 21 issues for the complete set Just to advise that the PDF's do not included the thankyou page as I didn't scan the original pages personally and they are for use on a different site but I thought it important to make them available for the general masses as soon as possible given the original scanners allowed me to use their scans on that basis. The CBR's on direct download are standard Retromag fare with the thankyou page and when they become available via Megaupload I will happily remove the PDF links. In the meantime you have a choice of which one to grab
  5. Hahaha ..... Yup indeed. Couple of skits in that one were darned bad all right
  6. I have an N64 and a gamecube and I much prefer the N64 controller. that may be because I really didn't get into the GC at all .... I was given it ... and don't have any games for it.
  7. I loved the South Park Wii and World of Warcraft episodes but yeah .... difficult to see how they could do anything comparable with Windows 7 to be honest. Man ... that World of Warcraft episode rocked
  8. I appreciate the comments. It's nice to know someone else has an interest in the older glory days of Atari and Commodore when they dominated the gaming landscape .... especially in Europe and Australasia. I will be getting onto the Amiga stuff very soon. The big thing stopping me earlier was that the later issues were bigger than A4 so couldn't be easily scanned but I now have an A3 scanner so that is no longer an issue. So expect to see some in the coming weeks Oh ... and yeah .... I still have 5 Atari ST's of various models, an Atari 800XL and 130XE .... and while I sold off my Amiga 500 & 2000 long ago I still love what that machine could do. Pre-emptive multi-taking in a few hundred KB's at a time when DOS was it for PC's speaks volumes for their capabilities even now.
  9. Just received another bundle of 12 Amiga magazines for scanning that I acquired off the local auction site. I think that means I have some 40-50 Amiga Format mags along with a few others to process. That's a bit of work coming up after I finish the Analog Computing's.....
  10. My fave's would have to be Dogs of War Deuteros Elite .............. on the 16/32bit Amiga Chuck Yeager's Air Combat .............. on the old 386 PC Smash TV ......... on the SNES.
  11. Looking at the games you associate with music of the day thread I thought it might be interesting to see what game soundtrack you associate with a particular PC or console. For me when I think about tha Amiga I am automatically whistling the tune of Garrison ... that awful Gauntlet rip-off but which has a stunning loading tune. Then there's Arcadia's Sidewinder track and Hybris which were also cool... and the games were much better as an added bonus. For the Atari 800 it's Thorn EMI's Computer Wars in game music and for the Atari ST it's Gauntlet 2. For the N64 it has to be Banjo Kazooie. What an intro that one had. Interstingly, I cannot think of a single standout music wise on the games I played on the PSX. Although, if you include an intro in its entirety I'd have to say that Soul Blade keeps me coming back just to watch it. Very atmospheric....
  12. The large lot of magazines I won turned up yesterday. Alas, the majority of magazines fall in the 2000-2009 bracket so cannot be used here. Nevertheless, I'll store them away for the time when they can be used and when I run out of pre-2000 stuff to scan I might just scan them anyway for the day they can be made available here. Lots of Game Master mags, several Nintendo and Playstation mags of various types, Atomic's, and a few oddities like GBX etc. There are also a heap of Game Freak mags which are a free 20 page or so game handout at the Aus/NZ video shops. Being given away free makes you think whether or not they would be okay to scan given they were never sold at all. You could probably classify them as pure advertising ....
  13. The decapitation game is the mega drive port of an Amiga game called Sword of Sodan I believe. It looked much nicer on the Amiga though.
  14. Compiled and uploaded all but 6 issues of H. Frank Kowatari's Analog Computing magazine's to the site. Expect the last six in the next day or so. That leaves issues 1-22 missing. [uPDATE] I have just received permission from ThumpNugget who scanned the first 22 issues to make these available here as well. This allows us to have the complete collection of Analog Computing magazines for visitors to this site. Great news indeed. I have scanned 6 issues of my Antic magazine collection for the Atari 8-bit computers. Just need to clean them up so will get onto that soon. Won a 90+ magazine collection on a local auction site. Includes 33 Games master magazines dating back to 1998 and some Nintendo and Playstation mags but until I get them I cannot say exactly what is in the box.
  15. I think that rule only applies in your own home. Apply the 0 second "catch it or throw away" rule anywhere else
  16. I have a Gameboy Color, original PSX and a N64. That's about it for consoles etc I do have few old Atari computers though ... Atari 800XL, 130XE, 520STf, 520STe x 2, 1040STe [upgraded to 4MB's] and a Mega 1 ST. They classify as retro I'm thinking
  17. Hiya, Not sure what this has to do with the changes to they five year rule to be honest. Are you saying once they aren't sold we will make magazines for these systems available irrespective of the rule? If that's is what you are asking then no. We have Dreamcast magazines that can't be posted and they stopped producing that system in 2002 as an example. As far as retro-gaming goes though .... I'd say that once a system is no longer sold by the manufacturer then it probably should be classed as retro even if games continue to be produced for it. My view is if you can't buy new hardware or get waranty replacements it no longer classifies it as current gen. Just my 2c though ....
  18. Retro arcade games for sure. That's why I am building my own arcade machine [ NOT a MAME box either ] I have 20 or so arcade PCB's for Donkey Knog Jr, Robocop, Raiden Fighters, Car Action to name a few. Nothing like playing on the original hardware
  19. This magazine only lasted 9 issues. The big problem is that this was released in 2003/4 so is well past the 1999 cut-off date for this site so they cannot be made available here even if we had the issues to scan.
  20. Completed scanning of .... 80% completed cleaning up the scans etc. Expect it soon ....
  21. I don't know if the previous owner of the ANTIC's was a smoker. I bought a box load of them off a local auction site .... some 80+ magazines .... and all the later issues were printed in the crappy newsprint style paper in comparison to the early ones that were made with better paper stock. Every single newsprint mag in the collection looks the same. They are the worst of any mag I've ever seen. The C & VG's and Computer Gamer's are better as they are on a slightly better grade of paper. The ANTIC pages look like they will crumble in my hands in the next few years hence me wanting to scan them as soon as possible.
  22. Most people here seem to have EGM's and Nintendo Powers but I am not one of those Instead, due to my age I have a fair amount of the following Amiga Format Atari ST Format ANTIC [Atari 8-bit era magazines] Amiga World Computer Gamer C & VG The Games Machine I also have a small selection of STart Atari ST User Arcade Several Commodore magazines like ZZap64, Commodore User International Super Play [uK version I believe] Edge Gamers Republic .... and some I can't remember off hand.
  23. Yep ... seen this question here before. I am pre-pong myself. I remember playing some of the mechanical games in early 1970's that can be seen at this site ... http://marvin3m.com/arcade/ One I remember was a P-51 Lightning mechanical fighter plane game where the playfield ground rolled underneath the plane like a treadmill. A gunsight was lit onto glass in front of you and you had to shoot targets stuck to the playfield. Archaic stuff really but ground-breaking for the day.
  24. The specs of this are ... http://www.brother-u...890CDW&tab=spec I think I read somewhere that with 300dpi colour scanning it takes 4 seconds to scan a page. It doesn't seem to have any appreciatiable warm up time either. I think it takes close to your 20 seconds though to scan A3 and be ready for the next. Haven't had a big enough play with it as yet. The big thing for me is scanning 2x A4 pages at one go PLUS the ability to scan oversize magazines. I have a lot of Amiga/Atari Format magazines that are larger than A4 in size so were unable to be easily scanned. Amiga World's are another where they made them almost square. What a pain to reproduce. This sorts those issues out once and for all.
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