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Everything posted by KiwiArcader

  1. Just to give you an idea what Meppi is saying here is a before and after example ... ..... which came from this original scan Huge difference eh? In actual fact the original page is worse than the scan suggests in that the yellowing is fairly consistent across the whole page. The scanning process just highlights the edges where exposure to air/light have slightly worsened the colour. Now the ANTIC's are probably the worst of ANY magazine I have encountered so the C&VG's won't look as bad but as you whiten a page up you start to impact the images etc. So it's a fine line trying to make it look nicer while not degrading the page too much.
  2. Told yah he'd sort it out
  3. Sure you can use auto-correct etc in Paintshop Pro or Photoshop .... but making the pages pure white is NOT representative of the way they are when you receive them. I am a litle purist in that I believe the scans should reflect the magazine at the time it was published. So whitening the scans for this type of paper lessens the authentic feel of the electronic copy which I personally don't like.
  4. Probably just got missed by Phillyman when he uploaded it as you are credited in the main info. I'm sure Phillyman can edit it to correct it for you.
  5. I have a lot of C&VG issues and I agree with Meppi .... they were printed on newsprint not much different to the stuff you see in the daily newspaper. I got them new and I can tell you they had that browny grey colour from day one. I will be scanning my copies but probably won't be doing a huge amount of work to make pages look white as it simply isn't what they looked like when new. The later Antic issues are in the same boat. While they were printed on nice white paper in the first few years as the company lost advertising revenues with the decline of the 8-bits they were forced into using newsprint to keep costs down.So early issues will always look nicer than the later ones. Bummer really .....
  6. Absolutely agree with you ..... but at some stage all consoles die and go to the great Gaming Paradise in the sky and I don't think Sony is in a position to keep replacing old 60GB gen 1 units forever. So I was just saying here's hoping your existing unit doesn't die any time soon I have the same issue with my PS1 .... LOL
  7. I'm guessing you'll cry when your old 60GB unit eventually claps out. Mind you ....the cheaper price on the slim means you can buy that AND a slim PS2 for the same price anyway. Just a tad messier cable/connection-wise with 2 units.
  8. Amiga Format Issue 002 completed & submitted ... I have just ordered a Brother MFC-6890CDW A3 all-in-one and pick it up later today. Once I have got the ANALOG scans out of the way I can start work on scanning the oversize Amiga/Superplay magazines and processing normal size mags 2 pages at a time so it should decrease the work time by almost half. Yippee !!!!
  9. As far as I am aware any magazine dated before 1/Jan/2000 is allowed here.
  10. Very nice indeed. Haven't seen any of those before ..... I'd love to contribute towards purchases but I'm a bit strapped for cash as I am hoping to purchase an A3 scanner in 2 or 3 weeks time so trying to save every penny for that.
  11. Zooming In/Out? Scrolling? How quaint ... LOL I turn the laptop into tablet mode, rotate the screen to portrait and with fullscreen viewing with PDF's it's just like having a mag in your hands. Or a hundred mags ... and not being a widescreen laptop helps a heap too.
  12. Hey ... no worries. Phillyman will get them up on megaupload as soon as he has the time and you'll be able to grab them as a free user anyway. Just takes time .... I have 30+ Amiga Format's still to scan so expect to see more along with a heap of Atari Format's as well.
  13. Beats me what people see in reading graphical mags/comics on such a tiny screen?I personally wouldn't consider reading one on my PSP or NDS. Or cellphone. I actually went and bought a IBM X41 Tablet laptop to read these and I consider the 12" screen the minimum I'd accept. Still ...different strokes and all that ..... Maybe because of my age my eye's just aren't up to it anymore
  14. If the full version of Gran Turismo for PS3 ever makes an appearance it could be the catalyst for a PS3 slim purchase.
  15. Tell me about it. I dumped a huge collection of pr_n into a landfill before I got married along with an even bigger collection of war comics/mags. No second hand bookshops would offer more than pittance for them at the time so I took the attitude that I'd rather just dump them than have them make a truckload off my collecting while I got next to nothing. Another young guy was at the tip doing the same thing and he had an even bigger collection of "classic" pr_n mags than me. LOL Now those same mags would net me a small fortune on EBAY. Especially my collection of "Famous Monsters of Filmland" mags I dumped. I just about cried when I saw the price those things were fetching recently on EBAY. Sigh!!!!
  16. I have a lot of Amiga Format magazines which I am in the process of scanning so expect to see them as I get them done. I am looking at the budget to see if I can afford an A3 scanner which would cut the time needed to get them scanned in half. Personally, old gaming magazines from the Commodore/Atari/Amstrad days are my thing. I have truckloads of old Atari mags ..... Interestingly, in talking to other site scanners recently a couple aren't too keen on making their scans available here due to the perception that this site is game console oriented because of the lack of anything else here. So I am on a personal crusade to change that perception.
  17. Yep .... last time I tried Gauntlet IV on an emulator it wasn't good at all. I had the original cart boxed complete with instructions but I sold off all my Megadrive stuff before I thought about scanning everything for prosterity. Doh!!!!!
  18. Yep to Areala's comment .... I bought & scanned a huge number of N64 boxcovers for www.thecoverproject.net and the only Gauntlet game released on that system was Gauntlet Legends. I supplied the PAL cover and label for that one :-)
  19. Magazine currently being scanned ... UPDATE: Also scanning Amiga Format Issue 2 .... 92/116 pages scanned and edited to date
  20. Hi everyone, Now that I am back from "exile" I am once again in the scanning mood and ready to contribute magazines from my collection of old magazines. As such expect to see a lot of Atari and Amiga magazines over the coming months. Titles include Atari or Amiga Format, ANTIC [one of which has already been uploaded] and Computer Gamer, C&VG and The Games Machine issues. I have also just uploaded some magazines I previously submitted that were deleted after I left last time. If any old-timers like gizmomelb have any particular issues they want scanned feel free to contact me and I'll see what I can do to fulfil the request.
  21. The arcade ports were stunning on the Dreamcast. Sega knew how to shift the Naomi Arcade games across to the Dreamcast without sacrificing just about anything quality wise. Mind you ..... looks didn't mean they were necessarily a great game eh? Fave games around the TV in my house [in no particular order] were Soul Calibur .... Hydro Thunder .... Powerstone 1/2 .... SF Rush 2049 Miss that little console I do ....
  22. Count me in as a scanner for sure. I too contribute scans to another site so am very happy with Phillyman's openess regarding making them available elsewhere. I am on Underground-Gamer so if I can get my head around making torrents I could probably help out with uploading of our mags over there. Or with seeding etc ...
  23. DON'T DO IT Fusoya .... I repeat .... DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!
  24. Ahhh .... I see .... this site is focussed on "Video Game" magazines only. That would explain why the covers I submitted for the Antic magazine never got used in the Wiki. No point continuing down that path then as they couldn't really be considered a gaming magazine as such. Neither could the Amiga/Atari Format mags I have been scanning of late.
  25. I think I was the only person who had sumbitted manuals .... in my case for Nintendo 64 games & Atari Computers. As a result of our "conversation" recently along the 2000 rule Phillyman took them all down. That was before the reorganisation of the site into USA vs Non-USA categories so I think he just never recreated the Manuals category. Shouldn't think it would be too difficult for Phillyman or Meppi to re-add the category though which would be good as I have been going through the N64 manuals to see which don't break the y2k rule etc and as a result can be resubmitted.
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