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Everything posted by atik

  1. I think Dexter is probably my favourite Tv show right now, it's allmost as good as the novel it's based on which was brilliant. Other favourite's include: The Simpson's M*A*S*H* The sopranos Southpark The Office (U.S. & U.K.) 30 Rock Band of Brother's Yo Gabba Gabba Seinfeld Hill Street Blue's The Mentalist Home Movie's Northern Exposure and probably 100 more that I'll remember after I've posted this.
  2. I think the artwork in Street Fighter 2 The World Warrior is some of the best that I've seen. I love the work that designer Akiman did with the characters. They all look so individual and I don't think any other fighting game's characters have as much charm.
  3. Once Upon a Time in America is currently my favourite movie, as much for Ennio Morricone's beautiful soundtrack as for Sergio Leone's script and direction. Robert De Niro and the rest of the cast are so good too. My favourite movie does change from time to time depending on my mood though and past favourite's include Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life and Wes Anderson's The Royal Tenenbaums. There's a short scene in the Royal Tenenbaums where Gwyneth Paltrow gets off a bus in slow motion, with a Nico tune playing in the background, which blow's me away every time.
  4. Like a lot of people in Europe my first gaming experience's came from home computer's rather than the less popular console's of the time, such as the NES and Sega Master System. The first console I bought was the SNES and from that day on I never even thought of another computer. The SNES was such a great console, totally dedicated to playing games, unlike the computer's I had grown up with. After that I bought a Mega Drive so I could play Madden, N.H.L. Hockey and the other sport games which allways seemed better on Sega's machine. I've bought at least one console from every new generation that has come out since. Currently I have a 360 and a Wii but the two console's that I first bought (SNES and Mega Drive) are my favourite's.
  5. Happy birthday Phillyman and thank's for this cool site.
  6. Coke Zero and Tayto crisp's do it for me when I'm playing classic games. Unless I'm playing Street Fighter 2, when the only acceptable food is peanut M&M's and coffee. Mmmmmm sugar and caffeine.
  7. I'm playing Knight Lore for the 48k Sinclair Spectrum, which many people on this site may not know of but it's a lot of fun. I'm also playing Madden 92 for the Mega Drive, the one where an ambulance comes on to the field whenever an injury happen's and then drive's over all the other player's. Oh yeah, I'm also playing Duck Tales for the NES, which still look's and play's great.
  8. Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition is the best PC Engine/T-16 game I've played. This game looks amazing and play's great. It definitely hold's it's own with the Super Nintendo and Mega Drive version's. I also like Devil's Crush, Outrun and R-Type.
  9. Yeah, I allways hated when I opened a game case or box and found out that the manual was black and white and not colour. I seem to remember that most of the Super Nintendo manuals were colour but many of the Mega Drive's were black and white.
  10. I think I played Indy and the Fate of Atlantis as well but on the Amiga. I'm not sure if it's the same game that you played but it may well be, because I remember some of the puzzles were really hard. The game looked really good and was a lot of fun and then I got to a point in the game where Indy was in a jungle and had to cross a ravine or something and no matter what I tried I could not figure out what I had to do to progress. Good game though.
  11. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade the graphic adventure on the Commodore Amiga is probably my favourite point and click game. Great graphics, great puzzles and a lot of humour made for a great game. All the disc swapping was a bit of a pain though. Broken Sword on the Playstation was a lot of fun too.
  12. Wow, just reading about what you've been going through in the last three week's, really put's any problem's I think I may have into perspective. It's scary to think that the kind of treatment you get is really down to the lottery of which Hospital you end up at. Any way I just want to say that I, and I'm sure everyone else who visit's Retromags really appreciate all the hard work and dedication that you put into the website and I hope your recovery goes well. Keep fighting man.
  13. Back in the day it was Fizzy Cola Bottles, I used to live on those things. These day's I get my candy fix from mint Aero bar's. Yummy.
  14. Thank's guys for scanning this magazine. It's really interesting to see the origin of what went on to become a brilliant magazine. Keep up the great work.
  15. Playing Street Fighter 2 on my Snes with a bunch of friends and just having so much fun is the first thing that pops into my mind when thinking of the word "video Game". Epic Zelda quest's, playing Doom for week's on end and exploring in Tomb Raider also come to mind. At the moment when hearing the word "Video Game", only one game comes to mind and that game is Street Fighter 4. I completely suck at this game and I have to use the 360's pad with it's useless D-pad because every dedicated game pad and arcade stick is sold out, but none of this matters as I haven't had so much fun playing a video game in years. Thank you Capcom.
  16. This is great. Thank's a lot Mort for all the hard work scanning all those mag's. I'm really interested in the Nintendo Magazine (uk). Actually I'd like to thank Phillyman and Meppi too for this amazing site and all their hard work. This site rocks.
  17. That's a great list of console's that you own. I actually used to own some of these myself but I stupidly sold many of them to fund my next generation console purchases. Of course now I wish I had held on to them. The one console that seems to stand out to me that you don't own is the Neo Geo by SNK. I'm not sure of the price differences between the Aes and the Mvs or which one of these is easier to get games for but I think either one would be a good purchase. Back in the day I really wanted one of these consoles, and while I may have been able to swing enough money for the console, the huge price of the games would have meant I would have only been able to get one or two games a year.
  18. I would get both games. The Mario Kart game is not the best in the long running series but is still great fun and GTA 4 is amazing.
  19. I really like the music in Street Fighter 2. Each character's stage music is very memorable and even if you play the game to death like I did back in the day, you still don't get sick of the music. I also really like the music from Super Metroid, Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario World. To be honest there are so many game's with great music that I couldn't mention all of them.
  20. It look's amazing but I have quite a lot of Wipeout games allready on the Ps1 and Ps2 so I don't know if the graphical update is enough for me to get this game. Sure does look good though.
  21. Seinfeld South Park Northern Exposure The Wire The Office (u.k.) M.A.S.H. Wonder Falls The Soprano's
  22. Mine are... 10. Super Sprint 9. Marble Madness 8. Enduro Racer 7. Tekken 3 6. Super Hang-On 5. Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution 4. Star Wars 3. Outrun 2. Gauntlet 1. Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior
  23. I'd like to see Star Wars get a DS re-make. Star Wars on the Nes was a lot of fun with the scrolling platform levels and the couple of 3d levels too. The music really rocked for a Nes game too from what I can remember. With improved graphic's and use of the two screen's I'm sure this game would work well on the DS.
  24. I really loved the atmosphere in this game. The graphics and especially the music helped to create a kind of menacing atmosphere. I also liked the way that you could get a little further into the game each time you acquired another upgrade to the suit. Every thing in this game, from graphics, sounds, level design and every thing else is just amazing.
  25. I played this game when it first appeared in the early 90's and haven't played it since but I've just recently downloaded it on to my Wii. This game was so good. The two over-worlds, the dungeons with their devious puzzles, the beautiful graphics and the amazing music made this game one of my all time favourites. I'm definitely going to make some time in the near future to play it again. Of course then I'll have to get around to Ocarina of Time which I've also downloaded to my Wii. So many Zelda's, so little time.
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