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Everything posted by atik

  1. The DualShock 2 is probably my favourite controller of recent time's. It just seems to work really well for most types of game's and feel's very comfortable even after hour's of play. The Super Nes controller is another favourite from back in the day. It looked great, had lot's of button's and was such a step up from all the controller's that had gone before it.
  2. I was thinking about buying Batman Arkham Asylum for the 360 yesterday but then I decided not to get it because a guy I was chatting to said that the combat really suck's in the game. He said that it was really simplistic. I just checked out a review of the game on Area5 today though and those guy's gave it a glowing review so I may get it after all.
  3. atik

    Sonic CD

    I remember reading all the coverage of Sonic CD in EGM and being really impressed. The screen shot's looked so good and you had the whole time period's thing, plus the music was meant to be amazing too. My favourite game in the series is Sonic 2 but I can see why a lot of people think Sonic CD is the better game. Hopefully I will get to play the game sometime and find out for myself. Enjoyed looking at all the screen shot's but I didn't watch the Sonic CD Full Ending video, just in the vain hope that one day I may be able to see the ending for myself after beating the game on my newly bought Mega CD.
  4. atik

    Movie Purchases!

    I got Ferris Bueller's Day Off on dvd yesterday. This is such a great movie, so funny, with so many great set pieces. It's sad that the director John Hughes passed away recently but he will be remembered for all the great movie's that he made.
  5. Super Metroid is one of my favourite game's ever and I know it's a special game for a lot of other's too. The final battle of the game had a very similar effect on me and I actually had to go outside and have a cigarette to calm down after finishing the game. I remember at the time thinking how amazing this game was. It made me realise that game's could be a hell of a lot more than what they had been up to then. I quit smoking year's ago but I don't think there has been a single year that I have not played this game at least once, since it came out. That's a great image of you standing on a chair as a little three year old playing Pac-Man, very hardcore Areala.
  6. I've just started playing Zelda : Oracle of Season's on the Game Boy Colour. I had this game year's ago but I got stuck early on and eventually gave up on it for some reason. I think it was the first and only Zelda game that I've played, where I didn't play all the way through from start to finish. Now I'm going to see if I made a mistake in giving up to quickly. Look's great so far.
  7. This game look's really good, just like a hand drawn cartoon. I didn't have a Mega CD and so only really remember a handful of game's that came out for it, like the great version's of Sonic and Final Fight. I don't remember this game but it look's great. If it had been released for the Mega Drive or Snes I probably would have checked it out. But I guess it was maybe too memory intensive to fit on a cart. I really like these old point and click game's.
  8. Sorry man, I've got to go with Samus. Apart from the fact that she's in one of my favourite game's ever (Super Metroid), I think she has the edge on Bub and Bob in the race for greatest Video Game Hero. She's a bounty hunter, she kick's space pirate's butt and she look's great in a gravity suit. She definitely get's my vote, but Bub and Bob are pretty cool too.
  9. I have to say that from time to time, I've considered whether the person that I'm talking to in a chat room really is who he or she say's that they are. Is the cute sounding girl I'm chatting to for instance really a 60 year old, 300 pound guy in a vest? Well, like I say I have occasionally thought about this. But I've never thought that I might have been encountering a chat bot before. That is, until I read your blog. It's kind of freaky but also kind of cool to think that they may be out there somewhere, waiting for they're next unsuspecting victim. If I ever do come across one in a chat room I hope it's ELIZA though, she sound's pretty cool. Plus the free therapy couldn't hurt. Great blog as always Areala.
  10. Super Mario World is still my favourite Mario game of all time and probably always will be. But I've been playing Super Mario 64 again recently and man this game is just so great too. I'll always remember playing this game for the first time, running and jumping outside the Castle and then swimming in the moat with a big smile on my face. Pure Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo magic. Super Mario World is still my favourite Mario game but Super Mario 64 really run's it close.
  11. Don't have a DSi yet but I have been checking out the DSiWare game's. Oscar in Toyland and Castle of Magic look pretty good but nothing else look's that interesting to me yet. I guess it will take a while for a decent amount of game's to build up.
  12. atik


    That's a shame, I was looking forward to playing it someday. It's good to know though, because I probably would have bought a copy if I ever came across one. Man, I thought the day's of me getting burned by lousy comic book game's were long over. I guess not. Still, I know enough to never ever ever ever buy a Superman game again. Ever.
  13. atik


    Thank's for all the hard work downloading the game ads. It's a blast flicking through them all and remembering some great game's. I don't remember this X-Men game but the screen shot's of it look pretty good. I can't tell from the ad whether it's a side scrolling beat-em-up like Final Fight or a one on one fighter like Street Fighter 2. But whatever it is, it's from Capcom so chance's are it's pretty good.
  14. That's a great story and one that I hadn't heard before. I do remember seeing that image of John Romero's severed head on a stick, somewhere on the web before, but I didn't know what it related to. Sound's like those id guy's had a lot of fun making their game's. Man, I thought I knew a fair bit about old and new video game's but every day I keep finding out great new fact's here at Retromags. Great blog Areala.
  15. Hey, thank's for the information on Donkey Kong Country. Man, it seem's like I've been seriously misinformed about this game. Down through the year's a few people have told me that while the game looked good, it was over hyped and that the actual gameplay wasn't that great. I wish I had checked out the game for myself now, instead of taking their word for it. On the upside, I can now look forward to checking out another great game. Thank's again for the head's up.
  16. Another great ad. I remember seeing someone playing this game in a shop when it was just released, and being blown away by the amazing graphic's. I only played it for a couple of minute's in the shop though and didn't get around to buying a copy. I know it got a lot of positive press coverage at the time and it does look really good but I don't know how it compares against other platformer's like the brilliant Super Mario World or Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Hopefully I'll get the chance to play it one day.
  17. I know what you mean about Roy. The name wouldn't exactly be on the top of my list for a courageous and heroic video game character. Who know's though, maybe the name Roy mean's something really cool in Japanese. Or then again maybe the guy responsible for translating and localizing the game has a name that begin's with the letter R.
  18. Happy Birthday man, from one premium member to another.

  19. I might try and track down that Battle Network game sometime in the future, the screen shot's of it in your post look really good. Thank's for the Mega Man advice man.
  20. From what I've heard from friend's, Mega Man 1 is pretty hard alright. Sound's like a plan to start with Mega Man 2. Thank's for the advice man.
  21. Great post, man. It sound's like you really know your Mega Man. I actually haven't ever played a Mega Man game but I hope to change that eventually. I didn't know that there were any Mega Man game's for the Mega Drive, I thought Capcom only ever made them for the NES and then the Playstation. I'm not sure how the Mega Drive version compares with the NES one's but I'm going to keep an eye out for it. Enjoyed looking at all the cool old school NES Mega Man screen shot's.
  22. That's a great series of ad's, they really make me want to check out the game. I don't actually remember this game though and it's strange because, being similar to Zelda and The Secret of Mana it look's like it would have been my kind of game. I can only think that maybe it wasn't released in Europe, or maybe by then I was thinking more about the soon to be released Playstation and Saturn than my Super NIntendo, which was still seeing some great release's.
  23. I was thinking of getting a PSP some time back. But then a friend told me that some of the game's for it have really long loading time's because of the umd. He also said that the battery life wasn't too great either. I don't know if anyone else has found these issue's to be a problem, but in the end I didn't buy one. I think I might check out the PSP Go when it's released though. Now that the umd is gone I can't see loading time's and battery life being too big of a problem anymore and it seem's to be a lot lighter too. Of course the trade off with the PSP Go is that you don't get to buy actual physical game's, with great artwork on the case and cool game manual's.
  24. That look's like a lot of fun. I never had a slinky when I was young. I could be wrong but I don't think they were available here in Ireland when I was growing up as a kid. As I was watching the You Tube clip I was wondering what other fun place's you could launch a slinky from. And if I'm wondering about that as an adult I'm sure I would have come up with more than a few good idea's as a kid, and had a lot of fun in the process. So I didn't have a slinky but I did play every other game that you mentioned in your blog there apart from Candy Land. Thank's for the nostalgia hit.
  25. I've got a 360, a Wii and a Ds, and now that the Ps3 has been reduced to 300 euro's I'm thinking about getting one of those too. I think the blue ray player and the free online play may just convince me to finally buy one.
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