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Everything posted by dhowerter

  1. Either the Saturn or the SNES :-) Saturn is also one of the easiest consoles to play imports on (buy a Pro Action Replay 4-in1 cart, stick it in the cart slot and leave it there - gives you save game space, import converter, 4 meg RAM cart and a cheat device in one) 2D gaming forever! .
  2. Hmm my arcade would include: -Golden Axe -X-Men Arcade Game -Marvel vs Capcom -Dungeons and Dragons: Tower of Doom -Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara -Star Wars Vector Graphics Arcade Game (sit down version) -AfterBurner (full movement sit down) -Blasteroids -Virtua Racing -Daytona USA I wish .
  3. LOL. I agree with you there. Solomon's Key is freaking hard for many reasons, not the least of which is that it has 50 levels with NO SAVE FEATURE -_- Although, if it helps any, there IS a code you can use to when you get a Game Over to continue on the level you died on: (After Game Over) "At the ''Game Deviation Value'' screen, hold Up, A, and B. --> Continue BTW that works with the Wii Virtual Console version of Solomon's Key too. .
  4. Hi all I just discovered the Retromags Wiki. It would be very useful to see which issues of a magazine from which month and years are scanned and which are not. BUT I have 2 questions about it. 1. How often is it updated? (newly scanned mags added to each magazine's section) 2. Kind of goes with #1 but WHY is GameFan not even ON the main magazine list? (the list on the wiki's front page) .
  5. NEW 2D MARIO PLATFORMER ON WII WARE NOW, NINTENDO!! ^_^ Please? And yes, that video was very cool. Too bad there were no reverse gravity stages in Super Mario World. .
  6. Super Mario Land 1 for original Game Boy Lovely ending, too bad the game had no SAVE feature I still have my original cart of SML tho ^_^ .
  7. Heh. I think the Virtual Boy has more games on it I like than the 32X..or maybe they're about equal. In any case worst system goes to the cd-i easily. .
  8. hmm I'm pretty good about avoiding REALLY bad games lol I suppose I'd have to choose Bomberman: Act Zero (Xbox 360) Man what a mess (gameplay AND design-wise) .
  9. Meppi - If you have a Saturn, you can get rid of the Jaguar A perfect port of Tempest 2000 was released for the USA Saturn. I know because I have it (got it new/sealed for $14 off EBay) I almost kept my Jaguar for that one game too, but found the Saturn version, so I sold the Jag ^_^ YAY .
  10. Lets see.. In no particular order: 1. Ikaruga 2. Cannon Spike 3. Bangai-O 4. Marvel vs Capcom 5. Gunbird 2 I love my 2D gameplay
  11. Hmm if we're counting action/RPGs then it would be the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. If we're not, then it would be Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (SNES). Unfortunately, when I played FFMQ the first time, I was kind of expecting something similar to ALTTP (real-time combat) and was sorely disppointed. SEVERAL years later (and when I was a bit wiser) I got FFMQ again and beat it VERY simple RPG, minimal story, but it has KICKBUTT battle music (and pretty good music in general actually) .
  12. Heh. AH sweet Nostalgia I definitely would not mind viewing more of these kinds of videos. CLassic NES
  13. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES). Must have beaten that thing like 5 times...kinda odd considering if I try to replay a standard turn based RPG, I get a MAJOR sense of deja vu I guess real-time combat makes it more fun to replay. .
  14. Hi there I'm new here and a little confused In the FAQ here it says a certain number of posts you need to be able to download magazines (as a Newbie? Member? one of those) BUT in a late October post in the "Download Privileges Reinstated" thread in the Retromags News forum it says this: "I have reinstated the download permissions for users in the "Members" group, If you are in the "Newbie" group you are still disabled. Basically I increased the requirement to become a "Member", it used to be 15 posts......now its 25 posts. This change should not effect people who have previously been moved after reaching 15 posts." SO which is accurate, the FAQ or that post? Oh and please also mention: - during what time period is the number of magazine downloads in effect (per week? per month?) - HOW MANY magazines you can download per the time period I asked about in #1 ALso, is the $15 Lifetime option still available? (I assume that means you can ALWAYS download stuff, no matter when it is.) If you get the lifetime option, is there a limit to the number of downloads per week/month or a MB /GB limit per week/month? . .
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