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Everything posted by DPsx7

  1. DPsx7

    Hdtv Help...

    I know it's not authentic but have you considered emulation? I got a dongle for my PC where I can use a real NES controller and I got my entire NES (and SNES) collection in ROM form so I could pack up my console and save on wear and tear. Works great that way and keeps clutter to a minimum. Then you can dodge the TV problems. Of course there are emu's for all other consoles.
  2. I've been playing levels to get one of the gold trophies and came across the first level. Never knew there were 7 more. I tell ya the game might look goofy to those who don't know but some of these user created maps are very well done. Too bad for me this would be like UT99. I got a million ideas for maps or levels, but not the patience to put them together or a willingness to stop playing games to do so. These won't go together quickly, and playtesting? Lots more time. However I want that soundtrack from the video.
  3. DPsx7

    Hdtv Help...

    I just stuck with SD. Most consoles will look all stretched and grainy on those overpriced sets. So if you're still intending to try it I suppose I can't help other than to say don't ditch your older TV in case there is any lag. Not that I'd know why there would be any.
  4. Ya know what, I don't care what the rumors say. I would totally live in that arcade. If I only had the space for the games or the expendable money. Which games, Hidi? I have all 14 in the US set, missing 4 manuals though.
  5. I doubt they'd produce too much exclusive content, just a few doodads with the camera in mind. Either way I plan on sticking with the one I have since it has both slots and functions perfectly.
  6. Not really. I don't watch movies and everyone knows games based on movies/books/shows just aren't that good.
  7. Really? I have an original DS and see no issues with the hinge. The new DS had nothing new and this one doesn't add anything I need either. I typically don't buy console remakes, I like to have some real differences. If they can play the same games then it's not high on my list. I think the only time I broke the rule was for the GBA SP because a backlight was a huge need. I'm also debating getting a spare PSP, one I can keep fully updated for the games I can't play on my 1.50. But that'll only be if I find one cheap. My consoles never break. I think I still have one or two perfectly functioning GB's myself. The battery packs don't hold a charge of course, but the console itself is fine.
  8. It's always about the games. Look at the Wii, ya know? Weak? PSN online works perfectly and like the PC it's free. I think it's idiotic to pay for the same thing we get for free.
  9. Well there are a small handful of shooters/puzzles I liked but overall the NeoGeo is about fighting games and that's not one of my fave genres.
  10. Actually I do. My bad. I don't really pay attention to the inside of the cases, I take the game out and keep them in a different case for travel. I just checked the site and found you have to trim the insides to fit all the other non-DS and non-GBA carts.
  11. Ah, I have more games than that. Lol, just screwin' around. Do the replacement cases actually hold the GBA carts, or are they just DS cases and you let the game flop around inside? Looks like a lot of paper and ink too but I gotta admit the result looks nice.
  12. They've both lost exclusives, everyone needs to go multi to earn money. Only first party stuff will stay that way, in which Sony easily beats M$ and Nin outdoes both. Sales don't matter, the game library does. Even though I collect games there are a number of systems that simply don't have anything I consider worth playing. The VB was cool. Gamegear had a handful. But Neo-Geo, N-gage, CD-I, the Master system, or either XB have nada.
  13. Bah. When are projections ever accurate? I've seen a handful of 'analysts' who thought the Wii would have fizzled by now. Shows what they know, nothing but a guess. And being from Sony the poor sap who drew that up would get fired if they didn't stretch Sony's guess a little extra.
  14. I've never been big on fighters. I don't like having to play the game for hours just to memorize combos because that's the only was to succeed. The only fighter I ever kinda got into was the Soul Blade/Calibur series. Also played some Toshinden on PS1. The 3D style of fighters is more tolerable than 2D.
  15. Numbers can be fudged and show stats that aren't really true. 360 is artifically high due to replacements and Wii Play isn't bought for the game but for the Wiimote. Then the PSP probably isn't selling on software alone, but more for the capabilities created with homebrew. If Sony ever totally locked it down I'm sure sales would plummet. Sometimes you need to read into the numbers rather than take them at face value.
  16. People still think the PS3 is $500? It's more like $400 in stores, and $300 online (Dell.com has a 20% deal off all gaming and they've been doing this off and on for a month or two, I can get the code if you'd like). I paid the full 600 right as they were phasing out the 60's, but I wanted BC since I have a lot of PS2 games to go and didn't need too many consoles on one TV. However I do need the PS2 for the occasional round of GH1, 2, or 80's. I think it was worth it to get the best hardware setup. I really couldn't care less about BR, I never watch movies. I also don't use wireless controllers, prefer the wire when possible. At least they aren't $200 add-ons. Yeah, PS2 is still going strong. So many excellent games, own well over 100 myself and beat all but maybe a dozen. I know it is stealing a little thunder from PS3 but if it's still making money why should Sony cut it? PS2 will phase itself out slowly and then PS3 will take over. No different than PS1.
  17. Well there's that, but anyone who does their homework knows that $200 model is severely crippled and they'll be spending the extra $200 shortly thereafter to make it work. For $50 more they can get an entire Wii with a game. For the price of a complete 360 you can get a PS3. M$'s trick is to make the primary cost appear low, and then slowly suck the rest of the money from your pockets and hope you don't notice. The Live fees alone over the console's lifespan costs more than PS3 hardware. Either it's out of warranty or they don't want to wait. Far more do this than you'd think. No it doesn't make sense but it's true. The market is hurting everyone, so while people probably want a PS3 the $400 price is tough to swallow when they can have plenty of fun with Wii in the meantime. Or continue to enjoy the PS2, Sony still has that going for them and the millions who will upgrade when the time is right.
  18. I won't be surprised. M$ always finds some stupid shady tactic. Get people hooked early and then rape them later. Instead of moving to a better console the people still have all the games and foolishly buy another. I can't count how many stories I've read online about people who have gone through 3 or more consoles and they always fail out of warranty.
  19. Once the market settles down the PS3 will pick up. It does have the best games and hardware but people need the cheap option at the moment and that's Wii. Also a great unit. I still say 360 is only selling because they keep breaking.
  20. Enh, it's not that great. $20 for a few hours of expansion material, let that shoddy system have it. I got plenty else to play. As far as Puzzle Quest, that's DS only for me since the stylus makes the gameplay much faster. I can't see playing that or Meteos on anything but DS. Nah, M$ is trying to buy popularity. Too bad they fail. Crappy games on crappy hardware, cannot understand why people don't ignore them completely. But if they wanna pay for exclusives that's fine, the developer will use the money to make proper games for PS3 and Wii.
  21. Yup. Been checking G4 and the PSU but there's no confirmed dates that I've seen. All I know is 'soon'.
  22. Yuck on everything except for the Mirror's Edge map (which I haven't played yet). What I'm looking forward to most and hope they release today or at least this month is Bomberman Ultra and Noby Noby Boy. Always liked Bomberman and now that this will be online I'm going to have something that will keep me busy for quite a while. NNB is from the creator of Katamari so I gotta try that.
  23. I didn't think any of the challenges in Rabbids were particularly hard except for one where you had to slam stall doors because it just didn't seem to detect it fast enough. Okami was an excellent game. Like Ico, Beyond Good and Evil, or Psychonauts it's one of those hidden gems that many people overlook for some reason. I have the PS2 version so I don't know how well the Wii controls translate, but the game does play a little like a Zelda adventure.
  24. I'm so glad I have a PC and PS3 so I don't have to put up with this BS. The DL is $20 the way it is so you're still paying. The sickening part is people don't realize how quickly M$ drains your money with their scams. They try to camoflauge it by nickel and diming...
  25. I say Zelda 2 is the hardest of the bunch. Even the 3D ones aren't too bad in comparison. Grinding for levels didn't help. But I can say I own and beat all but MM. Can't recall playing it for some reason.
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