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Mister Zero

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Everything posted by Mister Zero

  1. I played a bit of TP and it didn't impress me enough to play through it. The parts with the wolf were kind of tedious. Otherwise it was pretty cool. I really just wish they'd take it back to the original Zelda. Walking through woods of all different colors fighting scary looking monsters(at least they looked scary in the booklet), blowing up walls and burning down trees. Finding your way through labyrinths with cracked walls and dark rooms. It had so much mystery back then. I guess it still sort of does, but they're just making things too sleek and not as fantastical.
  2. News from Kotaku: http://kotaku.com/5458707/god-of-war-iii-snaps-necks-starting-march-16?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+kotaku%2Ffull+%28Kotaku%29&utm_content=Google+Reader
  3. 1Up.com news: http://www.1up.com/do/news?ct=NEWS also Kotaku: http://kotaku.com/5459603/feel-the-wrath-of-god-of-wars-brain-freeze/
  4. 1Up.com news: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3177770
  5. I remember eying the site back in '07 but not joining. It looks a lot more custom now than back then.
  6. HAH! You should do more blogs like this! I am PROUD to say I didn't give into the temptation to play any of these titles. I took a glance at the screenshots at the time and just had that feeling. Yes, THAT feeling. So about ten minutes later I began to flush the toilet and while eying the ceramic nest-eggs I noticed something. The Phantom Menace for PS1. I took it as a sign and popped it in the grey rectangle to show it what's up. Bad move. The Phantom Menace is actually pretty close to it's movie counterpart: Jar-Jar Binks annoys the shit out of you the whole time and it's a generally badly out-dated, computer-generated experience. However, there was an upside. You could kill virtually anyone you came in contact with. Needless to say, me being me, I played through the whole game just to see whose pitiful life I could take at the end of each level. Some of the unfortunate souls included, but weren't limited to: Qui-Gon Jin, JAR-JAR BINKS(yes, worth playing the game just for this), Jabba the Hutt, and honestly I can't remember the rest. After killing Jar-Jar, it was one big opium haze in my memory. So, at its most, if you're looking to kill various Star Wars characters just for the lonesome loser high it gives you, play the game. But generally just forget it was created.. you're better off that way.
  7. I had no clue there were so many Simpsons games. I've never touched the GameBoy games but you've convinced me to try Camp Deadly. I have to ask you why you don't make your reviews into blog entries instead of threads? Anyhow, good review so far. Your rating system for this one is great. Looking forward to reading the rest.
  8. Agree. And thus Titanic had exceeded Star Wars. I still haven't seen Avatar, but it doesn't look so special. Seems like an okay movie but others in theaters now have gained more of my attention.
  9. Don't worry, this is currently happening every day now in China. Northern China is quickly becoming a vast desert. I'm so sorry you have to do this. It sounds like it's going to be very expensive(usually $3K+). If at all costs, have someone fix your basement foundation instead of just covering it up or only filling the cracks. They have certain tools these days that can fully lift your walls back to where they should be and hold them there.
  10. Hey man, nice ups! Great work!

  11. I'm a big fan, so naturally when I heard about this on the radio I got pumped! News from comingsoon.net: http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=61915 FYI that's a peace sign I'm throwin.
  12. From the album: Mister Zero's Junk Pile

    My first visit to the firehouse in NYC!
  13. Wow, nice site and webcomic. Dig the style.

  14. All right, my own topic! Thanks you guys, glad I have good friends here! I'm having a blast with this site. I'm having an excellent 26th birthday so far! Last night I danced all night at 80's night in Athens, OH, and today I'm going to have some good family time and chinese food!
  15. HAHAHA! I'm sorry, but that's hilarious! WHO WOULD DO THAT?! That guy seems a bit more incompetent than me, and that's hard to beat sometimes!
  16. Oh man. I love Splatterpunk but it's hard to come by in my area(WV). About a year ago I picked up The Bridge, by Skipp and Specter which was a good read, but not enough. I'll definitely be checking into this author and any more you can recommend to me, as I'm new to the genre. I'm a small time fan of King, as well, I mainly like his short stories. I love the collection "Everything Eventual." The stories in it are a but more classic in tone, so it fills that void for me. My birthday is the 16th, and I'm celebrating tomorrow. Maybe I can get someone to pick up one of Laymon's books! Beautifully written article, Areala. This one seems a bit more literary than usual- I like the descriptions.
  17. I think they had something a few years back on PS2, an NBA Jam game or maybe just NBA Street. Whatever it was, the game was fun and I hope it's like that game. It played like a modern NBA Jam.
  18. If you've got the money to blow on the games, and if you have an arcade stick, you may be interested. Otherwise I wouldn't honestly bother. Did you see the screens of how they have it set up, though? It's pretty neat how it looks like a big arcade that you walk through with your avatar.
  19. I agree with atik, I really enjoyed this installation of your blog and it raises a good point. Most of what I do, read, listen to and play are things from my past. I don't enjoy as many things today as I did back then, it's just such a drastically changed landscape. I'm lucky to have a close-knit group of friends around me who share my interests in these things both online and in my everyday life. Others usually don't understand my view. My main reason for reading these mags is the memories they bring back- things I was doing at the time, games I played or wanted to try out- all good memories for me. I remember bugging my mom to rent a game for me then playing through many of them with my best friend or sister. I thoroughly enjoyed receiving the magazines in the mail and the anticipation of reading them when I reached home after school. It was interesting to hear how the games were coming along in their development. Back when magazines were the main news source for games, it was always awesome to see screens of an upcoming title, sometimes in the beta phase. Today, the internet does an okay job of giving me this information when I think to check of it. More often than not I fall behind, though, because I don't care enough about the new titles to keep track of them online. This leads me to one more good thing about the magazines- they came to me.
  20. Looks great, guys, keep it up! This site is going to be even better when everything is in place! I didn't think it possible!
  21. I'm really stumped on this. It may be because the sprite seems like it's from a console I didn't play.
  22. News from Seattle Times: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/technologybrierdudleysblog/2010724555_ces_sony_licenses_hendrix_esta.html
  23. News from Kotaku: http://kotaku.com/5442198/xbox-game-room-to-feature-over-1000-classic-arcade-games
  24. Oh yeah, it was on Super Nintendo(Famicom). Now what else? It was something with CDs like Sega CD.
  25. I, too, have Surf Ninjas. Another gem of the $5 Wal-Mart bin! I hear the original Inglorious Bastards was not exactly the same movie. Plus it ended up having a sequel.
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