HAH! You should do more blogs like this!
I am PROUD to say I didn't give into the temptation to play any of these titles. I took a glance at the screenshots at the time and just had that feeling. Yes, THAT feeling.
So about ten minutes later I began to flush the toilet and while eying the ceramic nest-eggs I noticed something. The Phantom Menace for PS1. I took it as a sign and popped it in the grey rectangle to show it what's up. Bad move.
The Phantom Menace is actually pretty close to it's movie counterpart: Jar-Jar Binks annoys the shit out of you the whole time and it's a generally badly out-dated, computer-generated experience. However, there was an upside. You could kill virtually anyone you came in contact with.
Needless to say, me being me, I played through the whole game just to see whose pitiful life I could take at the end of each level. Some of the unfortunate souls included, but weren't limited to: Qui-Gon Jin, JAR-JAR BINKS(yes, worth playing the game just for this), Jabba the Hutt, and honestly I can't remember the rest. After killing Jar-Jar, it was one big opium haze in my memory.
So, at its most, if you're looking to kill various Star Wars characters just for the lonesome loser high it gives you, play the game. But generally just forget it was created.. you're better off that way.