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Mister Zero

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Everything posted by Mister Zero

  1. I bought my Atari 2600 with 82 games(a few doubles, but not as many as you'd think) for $5 at a yard sale in NY while visiting my cousins.
  2. Niiiice adds! Someone should scan the Street Fighter II Special Championship guide. I think that's what it was.. anyways, it was one of the best guides for SF ever! It had all kinds of SF artwork in it, too. I forget which company released it, though.
  3. I'm happy with the new gen, but I still play mostly retro games. They're games that I can go back to, time and time again, even if I've beat them a lot. Sometimes I just feel like powering through a certain game and it's nice to have it handy. I can't really sit down and play today's games straight through. I think the last newer game I did that with was Prince of Persia: Sands of Time on PS2 with my best friend and his ex-g/f. I think that even took 8 hours.
  4. I think Nintendo will always keep 2D around as a sort of throwback, like with the sidescrolling Embassy levels in SSB Brawl. It's where their roots are planted. At least until everyone from our day is done playing games, if that ever happens. Definitely. The few platformers coming out now do seem a bit better quality.
  5. Man I liked this stuff. It wasn't anything new because it was basically Sprite but it was a neat idea. It's also strange how something as simple as a font and a logo can bring back memories of a bygone era. I like how you can sort of guess what decade something is from by the font used on the packaging.
  6. I used to look at Japanese mags because the layout, screenshots and artwork was so cool. I don't really bother anymore.
  7. I don't really have a ton of true retro machines, as I didn't really have the privilege of growing up on them. But I do have and still play: Atari 2600 NES Gameboy, Color, Advance SNES SEGA Genesis SEGA CD SEGA Saturn Nintendo 64 Playstation Nothing special or out of the ordinary, really. I didn't add newer consoles(128-bit and up).
  8. I haven't yet been out of the country. =/ We were contemplating a trip to either New Zealand or Iceland sometime after we travel the US a bit. I have however lived in FL, NY, WV, VA, and CA. I feel I haven't seen nearly enough of the US. I have the urge lately to see what I haven't yet of my country.
  9. Was it Kung Fu master, zombie? Looked a lot like NES Kung Fu? Looking for the name of the game, I came across this game for Windows. Some may be interested: Kung Fu II- http://www.thegamespage.com/backroom/backr...u2final&s=1
  10. Hey Thor, I think on 360 you can get a party together. In-game, hit your XBOX button and it'll open a grey box. Switch to where it shows "Friends" etc., and you should be able to make/join a party there. I recently used this to play with my friend of 15 yrs on Ghostbusters. Microsoft is coming out with a controller-less gimmick for the X360. Right now it looks kind of stupid to me but could shape up into something.
  11. Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros Super Show(Mario 3, Mario World), Captain N, Zelda, Sonic the Hedgehog - I loved them all! I'm not big on the newer Sonic, Megaman, or Kirby shows, either. I don't really like any of the anime-type ones.
  12. I was pretty disappointed when I found out that the Wii was a beefed up GameCube. I was hoping it would have had a bit more power, although they do very well with what they have. But despite that, it's such an excellent system! I never cease to be surprised by the fun things they keep doing with it. I don't like the all-in-one approach either, but I hope Nintendo tries to compete at least a little more in the online play dept. The whole friend code thing is a bit of a hassle. On the 360, I like the online play a lot better and the fact that I can watch instant Netflix movies. I also know that more teens are turned on by all the mindless first-person shooters on the system, so that's a big seller for the 360. Other than that, Wii is the most fun I have aside from my DS. I haven't even touched PS3 yet. It's just not very appealing to me. Too high of a price and only a few games I'd like to play. I don't care about Blu-Ray or media centers. Like Areala said, I have my PC for that.
  13. They've sadly been dying for a few years now.. The best system we have for platforming right now seems like the DS. Nintendo seems to stick by the platformer pretty solidly.. Can't wait to see New Super Mario Bros. Wii! Does anyone remember anything of platformers on the Playstation? The system actually had quite a few good ones. Klonoa, Abe's Odyssey + Exxodus, Skullmonkeys, and of course CastleVania: SOTN to name a few.
  14. 16-Bit, hands down. We may never see anything quite like that again, but things are heating up pretty well these days.. we'll see.
  15. I lived in SoCal for a couple of years and I MISSED the hell out of weather and the seasons. I remember there was only like a week of rain out of the whole year when I lived down there. I couldn't handle it. And I never had the nice breezy cool springtime or the nice rainy thunderstorms. I guess there's one thing I don't mind about living in WV. It also seems pretty protected here from terrible weather, which is another plus. Other than that, nothing else really good about living here. haha.
  16. Sega Saturn, Sega 6-Button, SNES Capcom Soldier, SNES, NES, NES Advantage I like having the 6 buttons laid out on the same level!
  17. Yeah, I always give up on Mario 64, too.. I just recently did this on VC. Mario Sunshine.. is a decent game, but it's nothing like what it should be. Having to use the backpack is annoying! Galaxy on the other hand is more Mario-like, like 64, but it's not exactly the same, either. New Super Mario Bros. was excellent, although a little too easy. Hopefully they fix that with the Wii version. I didn't beat the original Super Mario Bros. until a few years back, and I'd had it for close to 15 years. The last level would always just own me! Same with Mario 3, but plugging through Mario 3 a couple of times without beating it, you'll eventually get it. It's a bit easier than Mario 1. Good luck!
  18. I don't like keeping up ratios enough to watch all the shows I want through BT. If it weren't for that, I'd use it. CATV is more convenient for me. I tried online channels before, but it was kinda sucky. Have they improved it much in the past year or so? I like Hulu, it's nice how they actually show full episodes of stuff for free. I don't use it much, though, because of the limited selection.
  19. []RANT:[] I don't understand why we need so much space on Blu-Ray? I haven't read up on the subject, as I don't plan on buying a player anytime soon. Does the video and audio take up the full BR disc? Do they cram on a ton of useless extras? What's the deal? I personally don't care for the most crisp picture all the time, etc. DVDs have been crisp enough for my taste. If a movie is crap, it's crap. I don't care if it's pretty crap. If I rent a movie once to just see it and don't want to buy it, it doesn't make a difference to me. Most movies I own are old. How many times can they go back and try to get the best picture from an old master for a new video medium? You'd think it would only get so good. And audio isn't a big deal to me, either. Most of the time when I buy something, I don't really care to make it a home theater experience, I only watch it casually. Really, it comes down to price for me. If I can buy a movie on VHS for .50 that I'll only watch a couple times but love, that makes more sense to me than shelling out $25+ for the same movie on a new format. I can understand that DVD is going out of style after 12 or so years(and VHS has been out of style for longer) but I really don't plan on spending a lot on something until I know it will be most prevalent and somewhat more affordable.
  20. Google at first a few years ago, and then I downloaded a NP torrent that was supposedly from here(wasn't though, because the quality was terrible). I decided to look up the site again and it was still here, so I joined.
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