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Mister Zero

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Everything posted by Mister Zero

  1. I remember when I got my NES for my 4th birthday. I remember seeing the box, looking at it and how it looked, the previews of games on the back and the pictures of the system and the controllers. It came with Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt and had two controllers and the Zapper. Once it was hooked up my dad started playing it and he wouldn't let me play until he was done, haha. I don't really think my parents knew how obsessed I'd get with Nintendo and video games at that point..
  2. Hey kbf can you or someone else add that to the FAQ? useful info, there.. I never knew about this stuff.. thanks guys.
  3. I hated FMVs in general. I can never play FFVII again because of the let down of an ending it had. Defeating near-impossible Weapons just to see a crappy generic FMV ending that doesn't pay off? No thanks.
  4. I would've chose the hat. Collector's item. I just couldn't reach the status in time. =/
  5. They are arcade perfect ports, not emulated or anything like that on most compilations. The graphics and sound are good, etc. There's nothing added or taken away from them, for sure. Most compilations I've played disappointed me too, so I gave up on them.
  6. I'm glad I grew up in the NES era on. I feel sort of bad for these modern kids because they missed out and probably won't ever have the appreciation for the classics which are the foundation of todays gaming. I always wonder if they have the same feelings about games today that I used to get about games when I was a kid.
  7. I was actually thinking about this today watching a video of an Atari 2600 game on YouTube. It wouldn't be the same. I would want the Atari controller in my hand, looking at the screen, because it looks a bit different through the TV. Plus I like switching the cartridges in the console and the little knobs and buttons. I don't know.. it's just about the whole experience to me. Definitely not the same on the computer, though emulation is convenient for a quick fix.
  8. First console I had was NES, when I turned 4 my parents bought it. I still remember it all vividly.. lol. The box, the house, the controllers and Zapper. It changed my life. I had my NES forever then I wanted a Genesis badly, so that was #2. The first system I ever bought by myself though, was an SNES. Bought it for $45 in 1994 from my friend. He gave me LttP and SMW with it, I was in heaven!
  9. I used to LOVE Alone in the Dark! That cramped setting in the cabin with monsters jumping through the windows, nowhere to go. That was awesome! And how dark it was in there. The whole feel was cool. Of course Resident Evil and Silent Hill. Silent Hill scared me way more than RE simply because of the ambience. Having that radio with the static.. ugh! That's creepy stuff. I always tried to play with the brightness down on my TV set until I would get too scared to move on. Anyone remember Dino Crisis? I remember I liked how the graphics looked, but it was just RE with Dinosaurs. Would anybody consider Haunted House on Atari 2600 a survival horror game?
  10. I see news stories about dumb things and it hurts my feelings!!!!! What is America coming to? I mean, for real. Love the place, love having hot running water, but dammit! What the hell??
  11. Anybody like Skullmonkeys for Playstation? It's an awesome game, if you can find it, pick it up!! It's kind of rare. I play EarthBound religiously still at least once a year. Great game! Liked it then and it's still fun! Sometimes I'll see something that will remind me of a place in EB and then I'll want to play it again. It sounds weird, I'm sure. But it happens.. Sega's licensed Disney games were all great. That's back when people put hard work into licensed games and the animators were involved. Quackshot was one of my first Genesis games. Speaking of Sega, I always loved Toejam & Earl, the Sonic games, Road Rash 2 & 3 among others.
  12. Super Mario World! There's just so much to it! Runner ups are SMB3, Mario 64, and New Super Mario Bros!
  13. Our best bets are XBOX Live Arcade and Wii Virtual Console. XBOX Arcade has quite a few old arcade ports which are perfect. Virual Console is mainly console games, Im not sure if they've put out any arcade games yet or if they will at all. As far as Dreamcast/Saturn era arcade ports, once again, XBOX Arcade has a few including Virtual On! Oratorio Tangram. I haven't yet played it on the system so I have no feedback on how it looks or plays. So to answer your question, two next gen systems in fact have older games available. I have no clue on PS3 though, I don't have one yet.
  14. I recently did some work on a home for a good customer of mine who happens to be a Nintendo Rep. I'll ask her about this and see if she happens to have one lying around her house. You guys should see some of the stuff in her garage!!
  15. I don't even know what it is. But I don't follow games very well these days. 3 year olds can take a lot of time out of your day! Okay, I just checked the site and saw the Blind Guardian logo. I may be interested...
  16. I haven't really liked or had any use for a lot of the homebrew I've come across, but if anyone can suggest some that are good for sure, I'd check it out.
  17. Thanks for sharing that, Tony. Checking it out now.
  18. Man, Quackshot is a great game. You don't hear people talk much about that game, very cool. I'll get back to this and do it later, just had to say that for now.
  19. Phenominal work! I can't imagine what it would feel like to talk with such an influencial person over the phone or even getting him on the phone! Thanks for all the hard work, triverse!!
  20. Man, I have dupe copies of like 4 of my Sega Visions mags because they kept sending me the same ones over and over again for a few months! I think they were trying hard to get rid of them or something. My Sega Visions order came with my Genesis, if I remember correctly. A free year or so.
  21. Adventure of Link gold cart is collectible? With box or no?? Good lord that's a lot of money for that little World Championship cart! Strange to think of how much we pay for such short games in some cases.. I can understand collectible old carts, but anything new for $40+ that ends in 4 hours or less is a ripoff IMO. Try Resident Evil in under an hour and a half. Oh it's possible. My friends and I used to do that for fun, same with 2 and 3, they're actually pretty short if you blast through and know it front to back. It was big in PSM for a while to see who could finish the fastest, if I remember right.
  22. I don't see what you mean, Prophane. They seem like normal descriptions to me.
  23. Yeah, I think an Atari system needs to be on here somewhere. It made home gaming a major staple leading up to the NES and rose above competitors in the late 70s/early 80s market. Genesis/MD definitely, because it was first to hit the 16 Bit mark and high quality stereo sound. It was built with a port which allowed the Sega CD add-on which was nice, too. Yeah triverse, I think the XBOX was second behind PS2.
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