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Image Comments posted by Areala

    Jurassic Park


    This game is seriously insane. A fully-realized 3D shooter element which pre-dates Doom and has, arguably, a better 3D engine with the ability to look up and down? That's nuts!

  1. This seems to be one of those weird reverse-case scenarios where the game came out on a console first, then received a PC release years later. And they didn't even add in any H-scenes. The scenario sounds really interesting, but I don't see that this ever got an English translation. Alas... 😞

  2. 3 hours ago, miketheratguy said:

    This is the 1996 video game yellow pages? I'm not seeing Inezh's phone number anywhere...

    That's because this is volume one, dealing with contacts in Sales, Merchandising, Tech Support, and company addresses. You'll have to wait for volume 35, where they finally drill down to Talent Hired For FMV Games. :)

    Areala :angel:

  3. 44 minutes ago, miketheratguy said:

    Well I got my then-girlfriend a copy of Monopoly (she actually wanted it) so I guess that was one point in my favor but if there was a pizza party I never got to enjoy it because I quit the job over anxiety of the upsell pressure, lol.

    So the true pizza party was the friends you made along the way? Ah, I should have seen it coming. :)

  4. On 3/8/2023 at 1:40 AM, miketheratguy said:

    This is pretty awesome. I worked at Funco in November of 1995 so I'm remembering some of these games and their prices. Special commission for every copy of Genesis Monopoly that you sell, Mike! Gotta get those numbers, Mike! DON'T YOU WANT A FUCKING PIZZA PARTY AT THE END OF THE MONTH MIIIIIKEEE!!?!?!

    But..did you get the pizza party? And if so, how many copies of Monopoly for the Genesis did you push on unsuspecting kids in order to earn that pizza? :)

  5. On 6/10/2022 at 1:13 PM, mvangord said:

    Why is this in the Xbox section when it was published by Sony

    Whoops! Made a mistake when I uploaded them. Thanks for the correction, @mvangord. It's been moved to the proper section. :)


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  6. I'm not entirely certain, but I don't think this lasted beyond its first issue. Nokia must have paid out the nose for this issue; ads for the NGAGE appear literally every third page, including the inside front, inside back, and back cover.

  7. 2 hours ago, mvangord said:

    I had this.  Nice to see some of the "we can't license any official images" era of strategy guides on this site.  I also had the BradyGames guide which was slightly better since it didn't devote tons of page space to a bunch of GamePro-ass comic book people.  Also this guide refers to a Shy Guy as a "ghost Koopa".

    The "unofficial/unauthorized" era of guide making is one of my favorite. I intend to keep adding more of them to the site, including this one which I just picked up the other day. :)

    Areala :angel:

  8. 1 minute ago, Cbeckner said:

    I have a Legend of Dragoon Hint Book. It's sort of a mini early version of this strategy guide. I believe it came packed in with a magazine, but I don't know which one. I will probably send it to phillyman (expensive shipping to canada), along with some other donations that are missing on here.

    That would be awesome! :)


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