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Posts posted by Areala

  1. 5 hours ago, NorrinRadd said:

    Seems like just about every magazine drops off at 2001, which is super weird since the PS2 was just hitting it's stride. Do any of you know of a Magazine that has a complete 2001? I'll even take non English.


    NextGen (the version 2.0 of Next Generation) has a complete 2001 archive scanned here, but they only ran until January 2002, so this is a stop-gap measure for certain. :)

    I'm not entirely sure this is the case, but I suspect the reason the early 2000's era is hard to find archived here is that, for the longest time, the cutoff for Retromags to host magazines was 1999. Because of that, major effort was expended early on to find and preserve material from the 80's and 90's, while the 2000's and beyond were essentially ignored. Back then, we were trying to keep publishers from seeing us as competition, so we went out of our way to ensure the only stuff we offered was older material. Now that most magazines have gone under, and none of the remaining ones have turned their own attention to digital preservation and archival, we're a bit more lenient with our cut-off dates. :)

    The early 2000s is also the rise of the internet age, with periodical numbers dropping all across the board as people increasingly turned to the Web, and not magazines, to get their information. A lot of people canceled subscriptions during this time, and thus there are fewer issues out there than one might think. It's relatively easy to find game magazine lots on eBay, but more difficult to locate specific issues or years. :)

    In any case, I hope this helps. :)

    Areala :angel:

  2. 6 minutes ago, TresHombres said:

    If you can believe it, the one I had was even older than that, although it was the same author (Andre Lamothe.) It was called Tricks Of The Game Gurus (notice the lack of 3D, ha) and was published in 1994. It is funny since it was his first book to cover 3D games but he forgot to put it in the title, haha! The marketing department at Sams must have wised up by the time they got to your brother's book...

    Oh, yes! You're right! It was "Tricks of the Game Programming Gurus"! I just looked it up, and that is the one my brother had! He and his friends were convinced they were going to code the next DOOM. :D

    I should see if he still has it. He might be willing to donate it to the cause. :)

    Areala :angel:

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  3. You're totally welcome, @TresHombres. I've had this book, and its companion/sequel, in my library now for 25 years, but I'm well past my "I'm going to make levels for DOOM!" phase of my teenage years. Time to sacrifice 'em to the cause and let other people enjoy a trip down memory lane (and reclaim some much-needed shelf space). :)

    Was the book you had "Tricks of the 3D Game Gurus"? Because I'm pretty sure my brother had that one. :)

    Areala :angel:

  4. Just finished:

    Totally Unauthorized Guide to Resident Evil Director's Cut pocket guide.

    Next project:

    Tricks of the DOOM Programming Gurus

    I must be out of my mind, since this is a 944-page behemoth, but I've been obsessed with seeing both this book and its sequel, 3D Game Alchemy for DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic, and Hexen in our archives for well over 10 years. And since it seems like no one else has a copy...well, you don't get to be a Warrior Nun by taking the easy path in life, sooooo... :D

    (Dear god, someone stop me...)

    Currently listening to for inspiration:

    Want to say thanks?

    Send $1 to the Retromags slush fund!

    Areala :angel:

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  5. Since I'm dilly-dallying around with my flatbed, I thought I'd start one of these. And since guides are much easier to scan with a flatbed than magazines are, I'll be mucking around with books for a while. :)

    Currently scanning:

    Totally Unauthorized Guide to Resident Evil pocket guide

    Next project:

    Tomb Raider III Pocket Guide

    Currently listening to for inspiration:

    Want to say thanks?

    Send $1 to the Retromags slush fund!

    Areala :angel:

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  6. 1 hour ago, E-Day said:

    Apart from the odd uncropped left edge on some of the page, this looks good!

    I'm starting to think that these sort of text heavy book guides would be well suited to having a searchable PDF version as well. Those will never be as pristine looking as a CBZ file, but they will be searchable. If you want I can use my "unlimited trial" version of Acrobat DC to make a PDF version of your scan and add it as a link on the download page.

    Yeah, my editing skills are non-existent (I'll certainly never match you or @MigJmz). If it doesn't involve writing in some way, I'm pretty much garbage at it. But I figured I could fool around and contribute something of actual substance from time to time, instead of just blowing up the Gallery with a bunch of images, or indexing magazine entries. :)

    If you want to take the time to do a searchable PDF version of the book, that's fine with me. I don't have the means to do it, but I would be curious to see what such a thing looked like. :)

    Areala :angel:

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