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Posts posted by Areala

  1. I'll be the first to admit, I'm a terrible cook. I can ruin cereal. I've ruined Pop Tarts before. Cook books make me throw up my hands in surrender; if it calls for more complex steps than "Boil water, add noodles, stir in sauce packet", I panic. Despite this, there are some things I've learned to make over the years that I'm not ashamed to serve others, mainly because they're not complicated and almost impossible even for me to screw up. So, with that in mind, and knowing gamers still have to eat sometimes, I thought it would be fun to start a thread for people to share their own personal gaming cuisine. Got a favorite food dish you like to make for game night? Throw it in here for others to try out and modify to their hearts' content. I'll get the ball rolling.

    Areala's Game-Blasting Crock Pot Chili

    Whether you're cooking it to feed yourself for a week, or a bunch of friends for a single game night, this dish is both easy and inexpensive! To make it, you'll need the following ingredients:

    • 1 pound of ground beef
    • 2 cans of diced tomatoes with green chilis
    • 1 can of hot chili beans
    • 1 can of Serious Bean Co. Sweet & Sassy Dr Pepper Baked Beans
    • 2 packets of chili seasoning mix
    • 1 can of diced/cubed potatoes OR 1 can of fire-roasted corn
    • 1/4 cup of dried, minced onions
    • 1 cup of shredded cheese
    • 2 tablespoons of black pepper, sea salt, paprika, and cumin

    Brown the ground beef in a skillet. Dump the ground beef and everything else except the cheese into your crock pot and stir it around a few times to get a nice, even distribution. Add the cheese on top. Cook it on High heat for two hours, stirring every 30-40 minutes or so. Voila! You have just made the best chili in the universe, and if your friends disagree, then I'm sorry they still play everything on 'Easy' mode. :angel:


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  2. 11 hours ago, Bel said:

    Just out of curiosity, and I'm not complaining mind you, but how did you manage to get this pass Halverson? Hasn't he shown up in the past, thrown a fit and had ya'll take them down previously?

    Quick answer: we didn't "get them past" him. At the time he requested we remove the old files, he was working on a project of his own to archive digital editions of GameFan for sale. As that project has been defunct for a number of years, and copies are no longer available for purchase, we decided to tentatively add GameFan back into the rotation.

    As with all of our files, should the copyright holder for any of these magazines request we remove them, we honor that request. But Dave hasn't had any interaction with this site or its staff for over a decade now, and the GameFan brand is in limbo as best we can tell. :)


  3. Well, this is definitely a new one to me. Never heard of this one, but I'm also based in the US. We do have some members who are more in-tune with the Japanese magazine scene. Hopefully one of them can shed some light on it. :)

    Welcome to the forums, valet98! :)


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  4. On 8/25/2019 at 2:15 PM, Pyccko said:

    I've been looking for a magazine from probably 1993-1994 that had a big feature on Way of the Warrior, the garbage Mortal Kombat clone Naughty Dog made for the 3DO back in the day. There was a character guide with big shots of the portrait sprites and bios for each character, including what actors portrayed them (I remember Jason Rubin, former president of Naughty Dog played Konotori, the ninja character). I must have read that feature 1000 times as a kid, but all other memory of what magazine it came from has completely left my head. The search continues!

    I am way, WAY late to the party on this, but I guarantee this was issue 4 of the US "Tips & Tricks" magazine:


    That write-up made me want a 3DO (and that game) so badly. The same issue contained a massive strategy guide for the Jaguar-exclusive "Alien vs. Predator" which made me want that system too. :)


  5. 1 minute ago, daemonZ said:

    Oh awesome, that makes me really happy - I hate get rid of these things! I'll get my catalog together and reach out. Thank you for the super fast response and also for the awesome site!

    My pleasure! And you're welcome, although I don't really do all that much around here except index the occasional magazine and upload cover images (which I've been busy working on for most of the day today). @Phillyman and @E-Day are the owner and second-in-command -- the place exists because of their hard work. I'm the one who goes around filling potholes. ;)

    Areala :angel: 

  6. Absolutely! We're always interested in donations from people who can't scan themselves. We only have a few active scanners at the moment (I'm more of the database admin and general forum moderator), but your best bet would be to reach out to @E-Day by sending him a PM with the information on the issues you have. He's working his way through a massive donation that came in last year, so he'll be able to cross-reference what he already has with what still needs to be scanned. If what you've got fills in some gaps, and you're willing to ship them out (the USPS Medium Flat-Rate boxes work best for this, since magazines are heavy and its the most economical way to ship heavy things), we can go from there. :)

    Even if you have material we already have archived, it's not the end of the world. Some of the scans on this site came from rough or incomplete magazines, or are several years old and in need of an update, so don't assume that just because we already have a copy, we couldn't use on in better condition. :)

    Thanks for reaching out! Good luck with your move, and if there's anything else we can help with, just let us know. Otherwise, enjoy your time here and thanks for being awesome! :)

    Areala :angel: 

  7. Gamefan is one of the magazines we've been asked not to keep scans of, so any information on it will have to come from peoples' personal collections. I don't have many issues of Gamefan in my collection, but I'll help as best I can and hopefully some other people can chime in with more info.

    The good news is, Gamefan loved RPGs, so almost any random issue you open will have something about the scene, either domestic or international.

    The oldest issue of Gamefan I have in my collection is Vol. 1, No. 5 from April of 1993, and this one contains a hefty import RPG review section: Fhey Area, Aisle Lord, Lunar: Silver Star Story, Final Fantasy V, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Quest V, Villgust, Shining Force, and King Colossus. It doesn't have anything on any of the games you're looking for, alas, since it's a few years too early for them.

    All my other issues are from the PlayStation era, so they wouldn't cover the games you're looking for either. Vol. 5, No. 4 includes some stuff on Final Fantasy VII, Wild Arms, and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Vol. 5, No. 7 has info on Front Mission, Tobal No. 2, and Alundra. Vol. 6, No. 2 has articles on Breath of Fire III, Final Fantasy Tactics, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario RPG 2, Mother 3, Shining Force 3, Tactics Ogre, Princess Crown, and a tiny bit on Pokemon Stadium.

    Sadly, that's all I can help with. Any other Gamefan collectors in the house? :)

    Areala :angel:

  8. I'm not 100% certain, but my guess is these are issues which were scanned by someone but are awaiting editing and thus have not been uploaded yet. I don't have them in my site backup archive, and they are not on the QNAP file server, so I don't think we've ever had them available for download here, but I could be wrong.

    Another possibility is that a few years ago we used to link to files from off-site, either on other similar pages like OldGameMags or Out-of-Print Archive, or from uploads to file lockers like Mega. We've since stopped doing that, but it's possible those files were available that way, and thus marked 'Preserved', but were lost when we transitioned away from that model once Phillyman set up the file server. :)

    Areala :angel:

  9. I thought postage-stamp size video went the way of the dodo after Myst. :)

    No, I don't understand why you would ever make a miniature version of a console that was so extreme as to affect the size of the screen and the control mechanisms. Part of what made the Game Gear so awesome in the first place was that big color LCD. Shrinking that is like drinking caffeine-free diet Mountain Dew: you could do it, but at that point, aren't you basically drinking 'water'? :)


  10. You are correct, @archelon. Game Informer moved to its larger footprint with issue #91 in November of 2000. Their cover price jumped by a dollar to compensate for the cost of printing in that format. :)

    As questions go, that was a pretty easy one. The real head scratchers are the ones where someone is like, "At some point between when I was in 8th grade and my junior year of college, I remember a magazine printed a sidebar about a game. It might have been for the Super Nintendo, Genesis, PlayStation, Saturn, 3DO, DOS, Macintosh, or maybe it never got released. I think it was either an RPG or a Flight Sim, like, you either flew on or over a dinosaur, maybe? Some company I never heard of made it. There was one screenshot that was either in black and white or color. The game title had a B, or maybe a D, or a W in it. It definitely started with 'The' (I think). Can anyone help me?" :)


    • Haha 1
  11. We got the Donkey Kong Country video as part of our regular Nintendo Power subscription, but as far as I can remember, that was the only one we received. Our subscription had lapsed by the time I left for college in 1995, and I don't think my brother renewed it. We never got any of the later video tapes themed around the N64. :)


  12. If we all hurl ourselves on top of @kitsunebi, he'll be unable to flee and we can tickle him. :)

    I used to think it was impressive that I'd clocked up a solid 100-ish hours into Morrowind, but the idea of throwing 100 hours into any game now just makes me cringe. I think that's what happens after you hit 40 though. When I was a child or a teenager, I could easily spend 16 hours a day playing something like Dragon Warrior. Now though, I'm lucky if I can sink 2-3 hours into a game before my mind starts berating me over all the stuff I could be doing instead. Even in the midst of a pandemic, I can study my kanji flashcards, after all. :)

    So the key to being able to devote ridiculous amounts of time to something is 'never grow older'. ;)


  13. The Internet Archive has an entire sub-section called "The Magazine Rack" which hosts nearly 200,000 scanned magazines across a massive variety of categories and languages. Much of what they have there is computer/gaming/tech related, but there are also fashion, cooking, art, news, politics, and other stuff. It's a lot of wade through, but this might be your best bet for starting out. :)

    Google Books also has a fairly large repository of magazines scanned from various library collections across the globe. Some of them are duplicated on Archive.org, but some are not. :) 

    College libraries often have digital archives of newspapers, photographs, video, and other important historical items they're trying to give wider/easier access; Google the name of the college + library and you should be able to find a link that will take you to any online-accessible portions of their collection. Most of this will be relevant to students, alumni, and local history, but it should all be free to browse. :)


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