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Posts posted by Areala

  1. 46 minutes ago, Daedalus said:

    Lara's Book and The Art of Virtual Seduction coming? (fingers crossed)

    Eventually. Probably. I have both versions of "Lara's Book" (teal cover and tan cover), but unfortunately the tan cover version is missing the Lara centerfold (which is the only difference between it and the teal one as far as I can tell). I'm fine with sacrificing one of my copies of "Lara's Book", but "The Art of Virtual Seduction" is long out of print and both very difficult to find as well as near and dear to my heart; I'm not sure I have the willingness to debind that one. :)

    I'm also looking for "Tomb Raider: The Book", which is one of those ridiculously expensive guides I never wound up with back in the day. Anyone out there with the Lara centerfold from "Lara's Book", "Tomb Raider: The Book", or a copy of "The Art of Virtual Seduction" who wants to donate to the cause? Hit me up. :)

    I also have "The Official Tomb Raider Files", Prima's TR1 & 2 guide, and the guides for "Angel of Darkness", "Tomb Raider Legend", and "Tomb Raider Anniversary" in there as well. Taking a break from Lara for a bit. We'll be back with her again though. :)

    Areala :angel:

  2. 5 minutes ago, bogusfrank said:

    I kind of miss the days when games needed guides. Now you have some map marker screaming at you with an objective every second. Have I become a grandpa complaining about the loud music these kids are listening to nowadays?

    No, I think you're just like me: someone who grew up in a different generation, where games were both more complicated and yet less complex. Tomb Raider especially (at least the first 2-3 games) has always been about exploration, going off the beaten path, and finding the goodies. It wasn't big on hand-holding. I loved that about it. I totally get it. :)

    Areala :angel:

  3. All of the guides for the site are woefully out of date and need to be updated. :)

    Speaking as someone who personally uses a flatbed scanner because it's all I have access to, I would not recommend using a flatbed unless you love hand-placing and flipping every page. This is fine for de-bound books like I scan, but thin magazine pages are a colossal pain in the butt. Again, speaking from personal experience here, but this is probably not the route you want to take. :)

    @E-Day uses a scanner with a document feeder, so he's probably the best to answer this one. :)

    Areala :angel:

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