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Everything posted by perfinpuz

  1. The Retromags Magazine databases for Diehard Gamefan and Gamefan does have most of the covers in it. Many of the covers list lots of the games covered in that issue.
  2. Slightly more than 2 month gap. There are 23,666 more teams.
  3. Team: Retromags.com Date of last work unit 2020-05-21 17:16:17 Active CPUs within 50 days 5 Team Id 54458 Grand Score 188,207,681 Work Unit Count 49,033 Team Ranking 1096 of 253466 Homepage http://www.retromags.com/ Team members Rank Name Credit WUs 6,230 Phillyman 100,262,233 33,164 11,754 Data 49,070,284 1,486 34,488 Toad 12,378,661 159 51,302 perfinpuz2 10,303,110 2,187 33,932 RENDERRAPIDLY.com 8,092,388 105 76,907 BMan 3,977,690 57 137,933 MBJ 2,119,250 9,156 202,364 TaiWolf 952,283 180 324,408 Areala 280,816 55 393,785 twiztor 159,220 146 343,709 kuaneos 139,127 722 425,719 Hidinger2 125,928 699 437,361 Hidinger 111,892 483 455,293 bickman2k 102,645 44
  4. Team: Retromags.com Date of last work unit 2020-03-10 19:05:31 Active CPUs within 50 days 4 Team Id 54458 Grand Score 187,302,815 Work Unit Count 48,656 Team Ranking 604 of 229800 Homepage http://www.retromags.com/ Fast Teampage URL https://apps.foldingathome.org/teamstats/team54458.html Team members Rank Name Credit WUs 5,036 Phillyman 100,122,923 33,009 8,299 Data 49,070,284 1,486 20,107 Toad 12,378,661 159 24,045 perfinpuz2 9,571,760 1,968 26,046 RENDERRAPIDLY.com 8,092,388 105 34,436 BMan 3,977,690 57 52,972 MBJ 2,119,250 9,156 77,211 TaiWolf 952,283 180 130,631 Areala 280,816 55 165,854 twiztor 159,220 146 139,997 kuaneos 139,127 722 183,163 Hidinger2 125,928 699 189,630 Hidinger 111,892 483 199,917 bickman2k 102,645 44
  5. Team: Retromags.com Date of last work unit 2019-12-16 04:00:33 Active CPUs within 50 days 10 Team Id 54458 Grand Score 175,786,006 Work Unit Count 48,217 Team Ranking 617 of 228946 Homepage http://www.retromags.com/ Fast Teampage URL https://apps.foldingathome.org/teamstats/team54458.html Team members Rank Name Credit WUs 5,175 Phillyman 89,982,267 32,835 7,924 Data 49,070,284 1,486 19,367 Toad 12,378,661 159 25,227 perfinpuz2 8,195,607 1,703 25,116 RENDERRAPIDLY.com 8,092,388 105 33,126 BMan 3,977,690 57 51,206 MBJ 2,119,250 9,156 74,841 TaiWolf 952,283 180 127,370 Areala 280,816 55 161,727 twiztor 159,220 146 136,501 kuaneos 139,127 722 178,702 Hidinger2 125,928 699 185,021 Hidinger 111,892 483 195,120 bickman2k 102,645 44 N/A perfinpuz 29,494 39 N/A classic80sarcader 15,075 31 N/A Phillyman3 10,364 89 N/A elmaman 8,707 19 N/A cool3865 8,060 28 N/A Kinagi 5,613 34 N/A Metalbrain 5,352 43 155 PS3 3,091 14 N/A kenny8373 2,400 41 N/A Phillyman2 1,940 8 N/A Szewczyk 1,580 5 N/A farmdoggg 1,567 10 N/A zoneout5 1,434 4 N/A harrypmgaga 1,199 6 N/A Hidinger3 703 8 N/A lostfirst 400 2 N/A classic80sarcader2 314 1 N/A branochilly 225 1 N/A CrunchyOne2 171 1 N/A MaverickHunter40245_on_machine_1 165 1 N/A triverse 47 1 N/A john_ron1681 47 1
  6. On June 8 2019: "Today we have something really special to share with you - a prototype of the unreleased UWC (also known as Universal Wrestling Corporation) for the NES, courtesy of Stephan Reese and Frank Cifaldi from the Video Game History Foundation!" https://hiddenpalace.org/News/Universal_Wrestling_Corporation_(Unreleased_NES_game)
  7. Team: Retromags.com Date of last work unit 2019-10-25 16:30:16 Active CPUs within 50 days 8 Team Id 54458 Grand Score 134,987,892 Work Unit Count 47,763 Team Ranking 699 of 228865 Homepage http://www.retromags.com/ Fast Teampage URL https://apps.foldingathome.org/teamstats/team54458.html Team members Rank Name Credit WUs 7,712 Phillyman 49,948,257 32,499 7,681 Data 49,070,284 1,486 18,906 Toad 12,378,661 159 24,530 RENDERRAPIDLY.com 8,092,388 105 26,056 perfinpuz2 7,431,503 1,585 32,377 BMan 3,977,690 57 50,051 MBJ 2,119,250 9,156 73,401 TaiWolf 952,283 180 125,458 Areala 280,816 55 159,795 twiztor 159,220 146 134,541 kuaneos 139,127 722 176,758 Hidinger2 125,928 699 183,059 Hidinger 111,892 483 193,128 bickman2k 102,645 44
  8. Team: Retromags.com Date of last work unit 2019-07-02 15:34:45 Active CPUs within 50 days 7 Team Id 54458 Grand Score 133,419,019 Work Unit Count 47,311 Team Ranking 683 of 228675 Homepage http://www.retromags.com/ Fast Teampage URL https://apps.foldingathome.org/teamstats/team54458.html Team members Rank Name Credit WUs 7,268 Phillyman 49,667,654 32,306 7,231 Data 49,070,284 1,486 17,702 Toad 12,378,661 159 23,374 RENDERRAPIDLY.com 8,092,388 105 27,220 perfinpuz2 6,204,261 1,336 30,614 BMan 3,977,690 57 47,637 MBJ 2,119,250 9,156 70,385 TaiWolf 952,283 180 135,156 Areala 219,788 45 155,347 twiztor 159,220 146 130,448 kuaneos 139,127 722 172,146 Hidinger2 125,928 699 178,387 Hidinger 111,892 483 188,352 bickman2k 102,645 44
  9. Many Goodwill and Salvation Army thrift stores put stuff on Ebay, so you won't even see it in the store.
  10. privately owned game stores, craig's list and facebook marketplace. Get on video game forums like digital press and network with people in the areas you travel to.
  11. Team: Retromags.com Date of last work unit 2019-05-27 21:20:03 Active CPUs within 50 days 14 Team Id 54458 Grand Score 132,408,951 Work Unit Count 47,023 Team Ranking 677 of 228615 Homepage http://www.retromags.com/ Fast Teampage URL https://apps.foldingathome.org/teamstats/team54458.html Team members Rank Name Credit WUs 7,133 Phillyman 49,190,672 32,142 7,049 Data 49,070,284 1,486 17,265 Toad 12,378,661 159 22,847 RENDERRAPIDLY.com 8,092,388 105 27,909 perfinpuz2 5,671,175 1,212 30,021 BMan 3,977,690 57 46,973 MBJ 2,119,250 9,156 69,630 TaiWolf 952,283 180 134,173 Areala 219,788 45 154,305 twiztor 159,220 146 129,462 kuaneos 139,127 722
  12. Team: Retromags.com Date of last work unit 2019-04-17 13:00:33 Active CPUs within 50 days 23 Team Id 54458 Grand Score 130,681,392 Work Unit Count 46,689 Team Ranking 672 of 228540 Homepage http://www.retromags.com/ Fast Teampage URL https://apps.foldingathome.org/teamstats/team54458.html Team members Rank Name Credit WUs 6,917 Data 48,911,725 1,479 7,075 Phillyman 48,249,316 31,954 16,474 Toad 12,378,661 159 21,647 RENDERRAPIDLY.com 8,092,388 105 28,310 perfinpuz2 5,043,531 1,073 28,472 BMan 3,977,690 57 44,490 MBJ 2,119,250 9,156 66,740 TaiWolf 952,283 180 130,619 Areala 219,788 45 150,617 twiztor 159,220 146
  13. Data returned a few weeks ago, at about 22,000,000 and is closing in on Phillyman. Date of last work unit 2019-02-28 15:45:37 Active CPUs within 50 days 9 Team Id 54458 Grand Score 107,161,495 Work Unit Count 45,894 Team Ranking 729 of 228438 Rank Name Credit WUs 7,089 Phillyman 46,396,311 31,747 8,266 Data 36,062,810 1,121 16,191 Toad 12,378,661 159 30,364 perfinpuz2 4,317,942 948 28,076 BMan 3,977,690 57 43,979 MBJ 2,119,250 9,156 66,096 TaiWolf 952,283 180 129,772 Areala 219,788 45 149,723 twiztor 159,220 146 125,105 kuaneos 139,127 722 166,269 Hidinger2 125,928 699
  14. Is that a new art style, where the eyebrows appear on top of their hair ? In the thumbnail I thought the redhead was wearing glasses.
  15. Issue 7 March 2000 had two pages of Jingaroo outback dreamtime adventures presents "Croco-vile the Nightmare King" part 2. It is considered an advertisement and not listed on the contents page. It also says check next issue for more of the story.
  16. The USA magazine Boot is missing from the database. It had 23 issues released from #1 Aug/Sep 1996 to issue #23 Jul/Aug 1998. At that time the magazine was renamed Maximum PC. All issues had a cd-rom. I do not know if there was a non cd-rom version. Issue 16 has 156 pages including the covers. whole # volume # date 1 v01#01 Aug/Sep 1996 2 v01#02 Oct 1996 3 v01#03 Nov 1996 4 v01#04 Dec 1996 5 v02#01 Jan 1997 6 v02#02 Feb 1997 7 v02#03 Mar 1997 8 v02#04 Apr 1997 9 v02#05 May 1997 10 v02#06 Jun 1997 11 v02#07 Jul 1997 12 v02#08 Aug 1997 13 v02#09 Sep 1997 14 v02#10 Oct 1997 15 v02#11 Nov 1997 16 v02#12 Dec 1997 17 v03#01 Jan 1998 18 v03#02 Feb 1998 19 v03#03 Mar 1998 20 v03#04 Apr 1998 21 v03#05 May 1998 22 v03#06 Jun 1998 23 v03#07 Jul/Aug 1998 Archive.org has scans of issues 1, 3-7, 20 and 23. They also have copies of all 23 cd-roms.
  17. The magazine Stuff Gamer is missing from the database. Supposedly only one issue was released. Issue 1 is dated Holiday 2003 with a "display until Jan. 15" on the cover. It has 140 pages including the covers.
  18. perfinpuz


    magazines and such
  19. You are correct. It will only show a picture "inside the box" with no scrolling. I agree with Phillyman that you would have to test it with a 4K monitor/system to see what it is fully capable of doing.
  20. If you move your mouse pointer out of the picture box, the dark bars and all "buttons" go away. They come back when mouse pointer in box.
  21. The team total is now more than twice phillyman's top score. The team ranking was 999 on May 7. Today, May 8 , it is 997. Question for folders : Up until now my jobs had 250,000 steps. I just started jobs on both computers with 2,500,000 steps, 10 times the size. Is this normal ?
  22. Because of the situation with specials, if I were designing a sortable by user database, I would set it up with primary magazine name and secondary magazine name. If it was a special you would use that name in the secondary. If it was not a special, the primary name and secondary name would be the same. This way the magazine would only be listed once, but the user could find the specials by sorting the secondary name. Phillyman's database does not support this. Your choices are list the magazine once, doing the best you can to sort out the mess or list it twice, once in the primary name list and again in the special name list. I think you are going to have to just wing it for now. It would be great if you had some kind of document that included a list of special issues and where they were buried in the primary magazine list and a list of specials that you were not sure what primary magazine they were from and a third list of primary magazines with quantity of unknown specials.
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