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Everything posted by perfinpuz

  1. Here is a page to check out, if you have not already been there. http://www.emu-france.com/emulateurs/311-musiques-et-sons/234-musiques-et-sons-section-consoles/ Translate to your desired language. The main page is also one of the best sites to keep up with emulators.
  2. #124 will not open. It only contains first 75 pages. Please try uploading this again. Thank you.
  3. #37 is only 14 MB which contains first 10 pages. Please try uploading this again. Thank you.
  4. Tsushin appears to translate as communication. Does that mean the English title could be Game Boy Informer ?
  5. Is the "lucky number" printed on the cover part of a contest ?
  6. Could you number them Vol. 1993,No. 8 and Vol. 1994, No.8, etc. ? That way they would fall in correct order and you did not have to make totally artificial volume numbers.
  7. I have not found a downloadable file for several days. Are these set for a higher access level to get them? It comes up with " Sorry, there is a problem We could not locate the item you are trying to view. Error code: 2D161/2 "
  8. No direct answer to these questions, but I looked around and caught up the missed downloads through Kiwi's new message board/ download center "Kiwi's World" located at http://kiwis.world/news.php
  9. Hi, Is it okay to still use the direct download (read) part of the website ? I realize that it was not updated, but I could catch up on older releases. I have the link and it still comes up. Is there any chance of posting some (media fire?) folder links here to catch up on newer releases ? I did not get the Play 44 release before you went down. Thank you, Richard
  10. retropdfs.wordpress.com has sets already OCRed of many sets of british computer and video game magazines but their quality varies. They are available in (usually) complete sets by torrent.
  11. Can't download Sorry, you don't have permission for that! You do not have access to this section of the site.
  12. I also dislike underscores. Many programs I have used in the past give the choice of spaces or underscores. I am interested in a country code. Some Magazines from the UK were also produced in other countries such as Us or Australia with similiar content but different numbering. Also the program could list your have list divided up by country if lists are part of the program.
  13. I play on a Nintendo 3DS. I am playing Lego Jurassic World and Lego Avengers.
  14. I like continuing adventure type comics, so my favorite is Girl Genius. http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/
  15. An update for 3DS Animal Crossing: New Leaf has been announced. The free update will include Amiibo support. Article at IGN.com http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/09/01/animal-crossing-welcome-amiibo-revealed-mini-direct-announced?abthid=57c867a56d15e30727000016
  16. I am playing PS3 Square Enix Tomb Raider. It is part of the Ultimate Action Triple Pack that also includes Just Cause 2 and Sleeping Dogs.
  17. I happened to be in Target Sunday and checked out the video game area. In the middle of the Amiibo section, I found some packs of Animal Crossing Amiibo series 4. Back in the Gamecube / Gameboy Advance / E-reader days I played a lot of the original Animal Crossing and collected most of the original 4 series of cards. I ended up buying 3 packs at $5.99 each. At 6 cards in a pack, that's a dollar a card. I had heard about the Amiibo Animal Crossing figures they had released, but somehow missed that they had released cards. Now I have to search for the series I missed.
  18. Battleship (and Clue) were released on the Sega Genesis way before the movie came out. Of course they were "computerized" versions of the board games. That is why I said "I'm not sure if this counts," Tim Curry is the narrator and worked with the cast extensively in the new TV remake of Rocky Horror Picture Show.
  19. I'm not sure if this counts, but I enjoyed the movie Battleship
  20. When I go to database pages, in the top right of the page under the box that says follow, there is a box that says "you cannot add guides" .
  21. Also, what information is needed to create the database entries? You already have the Strategy Guides - Versus Guides group set up but no entries.
  22. 10 copies of this guide are available from dealer "Versus Book Guides" on Amazon.com Dealer link https://www.amazon.com/sp?_encoding=UTF8&asin=&isAmazonFulfilled=&isCBA=&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER&orderID=&seller=A11XY1XZC2M3XN&tab=&vasStoreID= Book link https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BGSORUE?m=A11XY1XZC2M3XN&ref_=v_sp_detail_page Also they sell Volume 3 Tekken 3 arcade strategy guide which confirms it Still have not figured out Volume 34
  23. 2600 connection has a website http://www.2600connection.com/ that includes PDFs of books , articles, and lots of information on the 2600.
  24. I always thought the music was great on Atari 2600 Mountain King especially considering the atari's limited sound capabilities.
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