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bombatomba last won the day on September 19 2021

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About bombatomba

  • Birthday 09/06/1977

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  1. Yeah, sixteen years on I think we can call these retro. Also, had no idea Populous was on DS. That's actually pretty awesome, and the price isn't bad on ebay so I think I will be getting it. Thanks! Not playing too much right now, as between house purging and reading RM scans I've not gotten into much. That being said I'm going to start up FF 2/4 again, as it's been a few years.
  2. Lost this issue in a basement flood and didn't realize until years later. Loved reading it again! It was one of the first times I had read gaming journalists having beef with a publisher over content. Basically, anyone curious about why Eternal Blue would be on the cover instead of Chrono Trigger should look no further than the Letter from the Editor in the beginning. Also wanted to write that as a RPG obsessed teen a world where they barely existed (on consoles) it was vindicating to see two amazing ones show up righting in the beginning of a magazine.
  3. Compliments to bogusfrank for the donations, scans, and edits. This must have been a long, gargantuan effort, and I am sure we all at your service. Also thanks to Retromags again for giving a place for many of us to relive old memories and sometimes to learn about other gaming cultures. Good timing too. Prices on certain issues have really been climbing this year, and with the closure of GI I am sure they will skyrocket in price.
  4. I dug a little deeper and found a weekly update post by Phillyman in 2008 mentioning the name of the guide, along with names, so that it could be either E-Day, Phillyman, or Mek1 that scanned it. Anyway, I've uploaded the file to my Drive and here is the link. If this was taken down for a reason I understand, but I cannot be the only person who likes to read this stuff ;). Thinking if it was not we can re-upload it with the appropriate contributions: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cz01zcja9eM_mqdbUi6SzgBEWdVVd-f-/view?usp=sharing
  5. Got a nostalgia hankering at work today and thought I'd have gander at a few pages of Consumer Guide - Strategies for Nintendo Games, but was unable to find it. I did see the cover image in the Strategy Guide database by Areala, but it wasn't the one I remember (and it is just the cover image). After I got home I plugged one of my DH drives I keep and found what I (kinda) knew was there: Consumer Guide - Strategies for Nintendo Games by Publications International, Ltd, with a red cover, also having the old Retromags.com Thank You page (the one with various characters in it). Did it get take down?
  6. Great scan and great memories! It was the issue I got shortly after I finished Final Fantasy, then after poring over the SNES info and spotting the lone pic of Final Fantasy II on the poster I knew I would need an SNES. Kind of took the flavor out of my NES, but it was worth it in the end.
  7. I used to have a core of games I hit up every year, but these days the list is far too long, so instead I tend to focus more on games that I haven't played yet. That being said I have played through Yo-Kai Watch 2 every year for the past two years now. I just love that game.
  8. I think collecting physical games is stupid! ... Please understand this is a personal opinion about myself, not anyone else, but previously I was a collector (had quite a impressive collection around 2007), but one day about a year ago I went into my basement, looked at all of my stuff, and realized that once I was dead (not dying here!) my son's future wife was going to make him throw 99% of it in the garbage, because it does nothing more than take up space! Some of it might end up on auction sites, but since that takes time most likely the valuable stuff would be cherry picked and the rest chucked into a bin. In actuality that is the primary reason I have come back to RetroMags, that being my collection of gaming magazines and the need to get them the hell out of my basement (while still being able to enjoy them in some fashion).
  9. These days I really value the "ten-foot" experience (PC code for playing on a TV) for my emulation, so I've moved to Pegasus-FE, which allows for menuing with a controller. Couple that with a great controller (for me an 8bitdo Pro 2) and the experience is about as perfect as I require. But at the end of the day Pegasus-FE is nothing more than a frontend for emulation, to which I use Retroarch (another frontend for emulation) because it allows for usage of the "menu" button on my Pro 2 controller as well as unified, pre-setup controls out of the box. As for the actual emulation cores that I use: NES: Nestopia Genesis - Genesis Plus GX SNES - SNES9X and bsnes-hd beta PSX - Beetle PSX (basically Mednafen) PS2 - PCSX2 (this core has been running really well in Retroarch!) PSP - PPSSPP Gamecube - Dolphin T-16/CD - Beetle PCE (again, Mednafen) Atari 2600 - Stella
  10. Bad numbering on my part! I had lost a fold out when I was scanning and found it today. I wasn't sure on the orientation and what had been scanned so I just stuck three "missing page" notes as placeholders, but didn't change the page numbers back. Sorry about that! On the positive side, no actual pages missing! Thanks for the compliment on the quality. Post scanning took a long while due to the amount of touch-ups. I am reasonably good working with GIMP but there are just some things that can't be fixed. This was a very well loved issue, lol. Also, thank you for the tip with the construction paper. I might just try that with the LIDE scanner I have at home. Might just make that option feasIble!
  11. Retromags Presents! Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Issue 018 (March 1999) Database Record Download Directly! Scanned By: bombatomba    Edited By: bombatomba    Follow us on...                   
  12. 863 downloads

    Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Issue 018 (March 1999)
  13. bombatomba

    Submit OPM #18

    After managing to find some lost pages I have finally finished putting together OPM US #18, and some forum searching shows that the best way to submit is to ask and provide a link to Google Drive. If someone would be kind enough to approve/deny that would be wonderful: This was kind of an interesting experience for me. It was a perfect storm of substandard magazine quality, substandard debinding, and substandard scanning equipment. That being said I enjoyed the discovery of the process, despite the hardships caused by the issues I mentioned. I would say the scanner is the biggest obstacle, along with it permanently being stuck at my place of employment. It's a Xerox Workcentre 5335, which supports upload to USB, but tends to leave many scans at a bad angle . The others were a Visioneering Patriot 430 (easy and straight scans, but far too many colored lines) and a Canon LIDE 700F (I can deal with slow but it causes far too much light bleed-through with magazines). But I am at a point in my life where spending money is not an option, so I do what I can with what I have. Anyway, thank you . If anyone has any constructive criticism I would be happy to hear. Despite my issues I would like to continue (though hopefully at a faster pace). I have a number of US PC Gamer, Computer Games, and some US OPM and assorted strat guides I can contribute.
  14. I've been working on Official PlayStation Magazine Issue 18. This is the first I've done for RM. EDIT 10/14: Finished. It was a learning experience, that is for sure.
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