What is your best garage sale/thrift store haul ever? It should be related to video games somehow.
I've been doing an article on my blog on 1up (pretty much a waste of time), called the Adventures of the Bin Hunter, which is partially inspired by RF Generation's Treasure Hunt Chronicles (click here for the most recent issue), and completely inspired by the old garage sale articles done in Retrogaming Times.
My personal favorite haul was a moving sale in an apartment building. My dad had given me a tip, and I showed up without a lot of hope (garage sales around here stink). Imagine my surprise to find a kitchen table stacked high with NES games, and a couple handfuls of SNES and N64 games. I was too shocked to count, but the guy assured me there were at least 75 NES games. They were all loose, but they were all good. There were no doubles in sight, and the titles were something not only a collector could appreciate, but also a gamer. The price was $100 for the lot (NES, SNES, and N64), but I payed it without hesitation (I was working for Ford at the time). When I got it home I began the joyous task of cataloging, and I found there were 81 NES games, 23 SNES games, and 10 N64 games. To this day I've yet to find a haul this grand, and with the economy in its current state (especially here in Michigan), I doubt I will even see one again.