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Jeremy Gilbert

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  1. LOL no, just a frequent visitor! Oh well, hopefully it's just my ISP being arbitrary and it will resolve itself.
  2. Maybe...I remember right before it sopped working, I was able to see it once, then it stopped working completely. Dunno why it would be blocked tho...weird.
  3. Is their site down again? Anytime I try to go there, I get an HTTP 403 error, "This website declined to show this webpage" and says the most likely cause is that it requires me to log in...but I'm never prompted for a log in; I can't even get the main page to display. I've tried clearing my internet cache, different browsers (I've tried IE, Chrome and Firefox; the latter two don't even give me the 403 error, I just get a blank white page), and even different PCs, and I get the same result. It has been this way for at least a few weeks now. Anyone hear any news on this? -Reiver
  4. Slow day at work....been here a half hour already and not one call...please let this day not drag on!

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