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About Tanavin

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    Planet Earth
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    Super Nintendo

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    XCOM 2

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  1. Sorry you had a bad experience, but you realize HL2 was more than a decade ago, right? Steam as a service is worlds different than it was then. I was very much like you back then, wouldn't touch Steam with a 10ft pole taped to another 10ft pole. But I gave it a shot several years later. Once I bought Osmos, Defense Grid, and Torchlight for essentially the price of two frappuccino's and had a delightful experience I was sold. No more spending all day rummaging through a half-price books for an obscure title that may or may not be complete. Sure Steam itself is a layer of DRM, but it's DRM that provides benefits in exchange. That's win-win and the difference between DRM that's just there to make your life difficult. And the content is more portable than any console. If my hardware dies or becomes obsolete I don't have to worry about backwards compatibility or re-licensing. The machines I play on change all the time, and I never miss a beat. Once a new console generation comes out, you just have to hang on to the old hardware and pray it doesn't die. The cost / benefit analysis for the games themselves is staggering. You can't seriously judge others using Steam if your experience is so outdated. Your claims on constant update breaking and malware is just unfounded in modern Steam. I have a large collection of physical media and console games as well as Steam and Gog. Guess which gets more attention? Steam.
  2. I've mostly lurked over the years, so I've had no idea there would be or has been drama over scan ownership / distribution. I find it somewhat amusing that the drama exists at all, because you can't exert ownership rights to a scan of an unlicensed work. That's not how copyright works. For true preservation to happen, ownership can't exist. The whole reason any of us are scanning is in spite of copyright, because we know waiting the 75 years for the copyright of (in many cases) a defunct company to enter the public domain threatens the survivability of the material to begin with, and there's no other viable alternative. But to then entrap such preserved content within someone else's perceived distribution rights is certainly the definition of irony. But I understand people spend time on things and want some recognition for their efforts. Recognition and ownership are separate things though. It's true that preservation efforts like scanning take a lot of time. That's why the community size should not be divided; this is the essence of crowdsourcing. When the size of the crowd is artificially truncated (by drama over scan ownership) the real objective - to preserve - is actively undermined. In other words, a smaller crowd simply will not have enough time. Now all that being said, I'm not trying to rock the boat here. Just making a point. If I have a good scan of something that I don't have permission from the scanner to distribute, I'm not going to upload it. Though any of you are of course free to ask for them. I'll just help out rounding out the cover gallery and indexes as I have time. I also have an intact rather large collection of PC Gamer, that I would donate as others have time to scan them.
  3. Sean697, I understand not wanting to be a repository for someone else's stuff, but from strictly a preservationist mindset making a collection whole should be an important secondary objective beyond just high quality preservation of what is found. While it's true you can always go to another site to piece things together, sites do go down, and history unfortunately gets lost. Time is our enemy, with each passing year the rarity of the classic mags we have yet to preserve no doubt increases, especially the less commonly known ones, whether due to someone else's negligence, indifference, or accident. The best way to preserve is to make sure such content is in as many hands as possible.
  4. E-Day: That's a good point; I will inquire about permission first and see where that goes. In the meantime, have plenty of covers for the db. kitsunebi77: Agree about the linking, unwanted traffic can be a problem. Was thinking if we should be more proactive about acquiring permission and mirroring some stuff, provided they meet basic quality standards, especially for things that we're unlikely to get up here anytime soon.
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