Game Players Sega Guide (originally Game Player's Sega Genesis Strategy Guide) is a bimonthly magazine launched by Signal Research, modeled after their highly successful Nintendo strategy magazine. It followed directly after the launch of Game Player's Strategy Guide to Game Boy Games and would outlive it by a year and a half.
Structurally it was the exact same as Game Players Nintendo Guide. The main emphasis was on strategy and cheats, although reviews were published in the rear of the magazine. These reviews began to be numerically scored in mid-1992 in a redesign to bring it up-to-date with the rest of the mags in GP Publications' stable.
Its main competition on the stands was Mega Play, and that competition often became heated -- editor-in-chief Firme pointed out in one editorial that it was the "real" number-one independent Sega magazine and that it knew its readers "don't want a screenshot and a paragraph on every Mega Drive game in Japan". While its screenshots were lower-quality than Mega Play's and its coverage generally more outdated, it was the clear winner in feature stories and strategy.
Sega Guide was merged with Game Players Nintendo Guide in June 1993 to form a single multiplatform magazine, Game Players.
Game Players Sega Guide Index
Report Publication