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Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation

  1. Publication Title: Electronic Gaming Monthly

  2. Publication Number: 1058-918X

  3. Filing Date: October 1, 1999

  4. Issue Frequency: Monthly

  5. Number of Issues Published Annually: 12

  6. Annual Subscription Price: $24.97

  7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: P.O. Box 3338, Oak Brook, IL 60522
    Contact Person: Joan McInerney
    Telephone Number: (630) 382-9011
  8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher: P.O. Box 3338, Oak Brook, IL 60522

  9. Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor
    Publisher: Dale Strang, P.O. Box 3338, Oak Brook, IL 60522
    Editor: Joe Funk, P.O. Box 3338, Oak Brook, IL 60522
    Managing Editor: Dean Hager, P.O. Box 3338, Oak Brook, IL 60522

  10. Owner: ZD Inc., 28 East 28th Street, New York, NY 10016
    Ziff-Davis Inc., 28 East 28th Street, New York, NY 10016

  11. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, and Other Securities: None

  12. Tax Status: N/A

13. Publication Title 14. Issue Date of Circulation Data Below
Electronic Gaming Monthly October 1999
15. Extent and Nature of Circulation
Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months Actual No. Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date
a. Total Number of Copies (Net press run) 676,636 660,800
b. Paid and/or Requested Circulation (By mail and outside the mail) (1) Paid/Requested Outside-County Mail Subscriptions Stated on Form 3541 (Include advertiser's proof and exchange copies) 234,113 227,700
(2) Paid In-County Mail Subscriptions (Include advertiser's prof and exchange copies) 1,278 1,300
(3) Sales Through Dealers and Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Sales, and Other Non-USPS Paid Distribution 170,551 173,300
(4) Other Classes Mailed Through the USPS 0 0
c. Total Paid Distribution (Sum of 15b(1), (2), (3), and (4) 405,942 402,300
d. Free Distributionby Mail (Samples, complimentary, and other free) (1) Outside-County as Stated on Form 3541 11,401 9,000
(2) In-County as Stated on Form 3541 0 0
(3) Other Classes Mailed Through the USPS 0 0
e. Free Distribution Outside the Mail (Carriers or other means) 0 0
f. Total Free Distribution (Sum of 15d and 15e 11,401 9,000
g. Total Distribution (Sum of 15c and 15e) 417,343 411,300
h. Copies not Distributed 259,293 249,500
i. Total (Sum of 15g and h) 676,636 660,800
j. Percent Paid (15c divided by 15g times 100) 97.27% 97.81%

  1. This Statemtent of Ownership will be printed in the December 1999 issue of this publication.

  2. I certify that all information furnished on this ofrm is true and complete. I understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleading information on this form or who omits matieral or information requested on this form may be subject to criminal sanctions.

    Signature and Title of Editor, Publisher, Business Manager or Owner
    : Charles Mast, Vice President, Circulation, October 1, 1999.

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